Chapter 40: lessons

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Jimmy's POV:

Tommy came rushing along, although not running, and climbed carefully down the ladder. I immediately praised him and Phil made sure to make a big deal of it too from his chair by the side of the pool. It was only our third session but he already understood the rules and was mostly sticking to them.

Today we were practicing floating and what happens if we fall in the water. This would also include listening to our body better and remembering that we need to breath. I was hoping that if I could get Tommy to understand that feeling of gasping for air, it might click why breathing was semi-important for his body. He was smart, but so far the science side had fallen flat with him and nothing seemed to have clicked. I couldn't find much information out online either. So a few emails with Phil, and I think Kristin at one point, was my main working method.

I had Tommy floating in the star position and was spinning him round. He was giggling loudly and I could see his finger fidgeting. I'd let him have a break in a minute. Phil mentioned he was a little tired from his drama camp and we'd been doing a lot of following instructions in today's lesson. "Okay, we've got fifteen minutes left, here's the deal. You are going to jump into the swimming pool and float on your back, like a star." He stuck his arms out, nearly hitting me. I still had to hold onto him when I needed to keep him upright. He could tread water with his legs pretty well but not so much with his arms, so he couldn't keep himself actually treading water for very long (or at all, really). "Yep exactly like that, and I'm going to count to twenty before I jump in and get you."

He gave a thumbs up. "Is that a deal?" He picked at his UV shirt. "Tommy, do you need a break?"


"Alright then, let's take a break and then we can float, okay?" He nodded, and I helped him get out of the pool.

He ran over to Phil and ripped his goggles from his head. "Alright mate, it's alright. Here, why don't you have a drink." He downed about half his water bottle and practically threw it back at Phil. "Take a breath mate."

Phil coached Tommy through something breathing exercises and I took a drink from my own water bottle. I then sat on the edge of my pool, legs dangling in the water, giving Tommy that time and space even though I was still close by. When he was ready, he came and sat beside me.

"Hello." I smiled at him and he fidgeted his hair. "Are you ready to jump in and float?"


"Alright then, let's stand up."

He was nervous about jumping in, a lot more nervous than I expected him to be. The Tommy I met first week would have launched himself in given the chance. "What's the matter mate?" Phil had noticed something was up too.

He shook his head and hummed his 'no' sound. "Do you not want to jump in?" I asked.

"No he loves jumping in," Phil confirmed, "is it the floating mate?"

"You're really good at floating Tommy and we know that it's a really good way of keeping yourself safe in the pool." I added. He nodded but turned round and clung to Phil. The older man originally cringed at the wetness but then just embraced his son.

"It's alright mate, shall we just stop here for today?"

"I promised you we'd get to play but if you're not feeling up to it, that's okay."

"Play." He signed.

"Alright, we'll play." I signed the last part and held my hand out for him.

Phil's POV:

I stood by the pool-side, knowing Tommy was feeling wobbly and having me closer would be easier. He was a little happier now: playing on a floating thing with Jimmy. It was nearly the end of the session, but I didn't see us having as much of an issue of trying to get him out today. Drama camp was great for him and he really was enjoying it; but every day, he got home and he was just exhausted. He'd never been in an environment like that before. Tubbo said that he'd never even gone to nursery.

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