Chapter 66: wake up

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Wilbur's POV:

I came to; the beeping was loud and constant. Mum was talking to someone outside my room. My room? No, this wasn't my room, this didn't feel like my bed or sound like it.

I was at the hospital. That was it. I remembered but it hit me like a punch to the gut. Just like it had the first time.

"Wilbur?" It was Mum. I looked at her, my eyes filled with tears just like her's were. "Hey bud, it's okay." She sat in a chair next to me and grabbed my hand. There was a cannula in it, a needle that I could just about feel.

"Hey Wilbur," it was a nurse, on the other side of me. "We're going to take this off for a second so you can talk to us." She took the oxygen mask off from around my nose and mouth and I took a deep breath. I was still a little wheezy but I felt okay.

"Hey Mum." My voice croaked, not having been used in a while.

"Hey bud, you're okay, you're okay." She brushed the hair from my forehead and kissed my hand. I just continued to cry. Maybe I was relieved or something. But in all honesty, I didn't know how I felt.

Time skip:

The doctors were happy to send me home. I'd be on antibiotics for another week or so and would have to be careful not to exert myself too much but according to them, keeping me in the hospital was unlikely to help for much longer.

Mum helped me pack all the stuff up and I listened to some music on my phone while I waited. There were so many messages from my band mates which I scrolled through. The last one on the group chat was from Joe.

'Guess we're just waiting for you now Wilbur. Text when you're ready.'

'Hey', I texted back, 'guess I'm ready.'

Before long, all four of us were texting rapidly, whilst I tried to explain and convince them that I was fine.

"Wilbur," Mum tapped on my shoulder, holding a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t shirt.

I took out one of my earphones, "huh?"

"Your clothes, you wanted to get changed before we left?"

"Oh yea, thanks."

"You're welcome."

"I was just texting the Lovejoy boys."

"Well you can text them the whole way home too, for now, you just got to get changed so we can go. Unless you're happy to walk out of here in that hospital gown with your underwear showing. I grabbed the back as I sat up and laughed.

When I got back from the toilet where I'd gotten dressed, Mum and I walked the corridor down past the nurses station on our way to the car park. We paused to talk to everyone before we left. Most of them were people I sort of barely knew but by the way Mum talked to and thanked them all, I presumed she'd spoken to them all a lot. I guess I was here for a lot longer than I remember.

And then before I knew it, we were in the car and driving out of the hospital car park. And then home. On the driveway, with my family stood at the door excitedly.

I hugged them all and we went inside for food. Dad was in a suit and having sensed my confusion, Techno explained about his job interview. "Oh yea," I said, a little ashamed, "he told me that and I still forgot it."

"It's fine, you've probably had lots of things to think about since you woke up."

"Yea," I was about to say something else, like about Tor, his brother. My brother's brother, does that make him my brother? He still feels more like an uncle. We don't have any uncles or aunts. We have a mum, a dad, a granny/ nan, a grandma and a grandpa (but they live in America, we don't talk to them a lot and Techno and I have met them a total of one time). And we each have 3 brothers. But now I guess, we have more. And that's okay.

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