Chapter 41: wasn't worth the fight

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Kristin's POV:

I stood a little distance away, pretending to look at some clothes for Phil. Tubbo and Wilbur were enjoying themselves and I didn't want to to the adult hovering over them and ruining it. I couldn't see Tubbo in between the aisles, they were too tall. But Wilbur was visible at nearly all times and was never far from his younger brother.

The two of them came running and wheeling over, holding an array of stuff. "Right," I said, "how much of this do we need?"

"Uh." Wilbur started.

"You know your dad and I don't mind getting it. But why don't we have a look through the clothes and decide whether or not you actually want them?"

Wilbur nodded, he knew this was the drill. First time shopping: no clothes at home, you're free to pick up anything and everything. But a few times after that, how many more clothes do you need. If you would like something, that is okay too. But we need to be clear that you will wear everything we buy. It was more about teaching the boys financial understanding the older they get. The boys get a certain amount of money a week each (set by Phil and I) that they can save or spend or whatever they want. Clothes, food and other necessities aren't included with this. And we also buy things that the boys would like, but that only goes so far. New thing you want? Let's strike a deal. You did this really cool thing the other day, so yes we will buy you it. Can you do 'this' when we get home? Okay then, we'll keep a hold of it until it's done. Or, you've got your own money, we aren't willing to buy it currently, but you could save it for another day or just buy it for yourself now.

We adjusted the system where need. Younger kids often wanted more and didn't totally understand the conversational aspect we focused on. But no matter what, Phil and I worked it out and did our best to solve problems when they arose. Or, we did normally.

Time skip:

I took the boys along to pick up Techno. He seemed really happy and I popped in quickly to see Barry and Has. Phil and I were so glad Techno was coming back here. He needed a purpose and something to do. He needed to prove to himself how capable she was and how the future would be okay even if he didn't go to university next year. He was pretty set on that now, and that was okay. Phil and I had talked it through with him and now we were all working on things for him to do after exams were over. That was the deal: you do something. University, a different kind of training (like an apprenticeship), a job or travelling. We didn't mind what he chose as long as he chose something.

Right now, his choice was looking to be Youtube, photography and judo lessons. A mix of all three would keep him busy and would bring in some money for him to gain that independence with. But if Tor ends up actually being his brother: next year could look very different. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

"How was it?" Wilbur was desperate to ask.

"It was good, but you're in my seat."

"I've got longer legs than you!" Wilbur protested.

"You literally don't."

"Techno, your brother was sat there first. Why don't you just get in the back?"

"Fine. I can't wait until I can drive myself."

"Won't be too long now," I gave him a sympathetic smile and was just glad to have avoided the argument.

Once at home, I got dinner started and the boys (including Tommy who had got home not long after us) were down in the music room. Phil was doing some washing.

"Oh by the way, that photo album should be in by the end of the week. Can you text Ethan and ask when would be a good time to come over?"

"Sure," he started, "I called him earlier. Kelly was out for the day with Izzy and her kids. He said thanks, a lot, and that things were going well."

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