Chapter 22: sitting around, eating biscuits

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Wilbur's POV:

Techno was doing his DNA kit. I could hear every word, sat in my room, as tense as he probably was. What if he didn't want me anymore? What if I wasn't allowed to be his little brother? What if he hated me for keeping him to myself? My leg was shaking slightly; I reached out a hand to stop it. Tubbo was 'asleep', listening to music like he always does. Tommy was asleep, as was Kelly, but they'd both been in a bed about an hour now. Mum was in her bedroom, probably trying to get to sleep and I was painstakingly sat there waiting. It was Techno's life and I was being affected by it in a way I wasn't comfortable with but didn't know what to do about.

There was a knock on my door which made me jump. "Hey bud, just wondering if you needed anything?"

"No, I'm okay."

"You done your puffer?"

"No," I replied sheepishly.

"Okay, well why don't you go it now?" I nodded and reached for my puffer that was in the first drawer of my bedside cabinet.

"Do you think Techno will-" I paused, "actually stupid question, don't worry about it."

"If you think Techno is going to push you away because Tor is his brother, I want you to remember how he's always reacted to each new foster kid."

"But they are foster kids, they come and go and they aren't related by blood."

"Wilbur, the only two people in this household related by blood is Tubbo and Tommy, and they are half-brothers. You know more than most, that blood is not what makes us family."

"Yea, but that only works when you've not got any family left."

She closed the door, "look, Techno might have a biological brother, but he is also just learning that he lost a mum, dad and sister."

"But I lost my parents too!"

"Wilbur, think about what you've just said."

"I am thinking! My parents aren't around anymore either, they don't love me, they didn't want me. His didn't either, I don't get why he misses them!"

"Wilbur, please," she begged.

"NO!" There was another knock at the door. Techno opened it. He hugged me, not saying a word. "I'm- I'm sorry."

"I miss them Wilbur because they did love me and they did want me, they just couldn't look after me."

"But your family was supposed to be just like mine."

"My first foster family was, and all those other places were too. But this family, right here, and my biological family, loved me and want me."

"But you're going to forget about me now."

"No I'm not." He sighed, "I knew this is what you wanted to talk about the other day but I just couldn't handle it. I was scared you'd feel like this, but I want you to know that I'm not going to forget you. I'm not going to pretend you suddenly don't exist. In fact, I want you here more than ever. I want you to vet Tor for me, and see if he's okay. I want you to spend time with us. I want Tor to be a part of this family, as much as I want to be a part of my biological one."


"He lost his mum, dad and sister and for a while he lost his brother too. He's like us Will, he's older and everything but deep down he's a kid without his family. You know what christmas first felt like when we lived here. The presents and the tree, the dinner and Grandma coming over. Feeling a proper part of it all? Tor wants it too, I just know it."


"And if that DNA test comes back negative, we can turn our back on all of it and act like it never happened. Deal?"

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें