Chapter 61: mum's home

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Kristin's POV:

I paid the taxi driver the extortionate fee and rushed up the drive, to the house. My cars keys had been left at home, so I was forced to ring the doorbell and wait for someone to open the door. It honestly felt like the longest 10 seconds of my life.

"Hey Kristin," James said, opening the door and moving aside to let me in.

"Hi. Thanks for being here." The words stumbled out of me and I was eager to dump my bags on the floor and get my shoes off.

"It's okay. The boys aren't up yet, can I make you a hot drink?"

"No, it's fine. Thank you though."

"Are you heading off to the hospital?"

"Yea. And then Phil will come back here and you can get home."

"I can be here for as long as you need me to be."

"It's okay. You've been here long enough already." I tried to smile and went upstairs to get changed. It all felt so strange. Walking past my son's bedroom and knowing he wasn't asleep in there.

I poked my head around Techno's bedroom door and saw him and Tommy fast asleep. Hopefully now one of us (me or Phil) was at home, Techno wouldn't have his youngest brother in with him anymore. He said he didn't mind, and that he knew it made Tommy feel safe enough to sleep, but he shouldn't have to.

Back downstairs, I found the car keys, thanked James a couple more times and checked on Tubbo. He was asleep too and looked peaceful as he lay there.

Time skip:

"Oh Wilbur."

"It's fine," Phil said, "honestly he's doing so much better."

"I know but god, just seeing him like that."

"You get used to it, eventually."


"How were the boys?"

"Asleep, I didn't stay long. I just wanted to get here and see him."


"The nurse will come in and give him some more meds in his IV and some food in his feeding tube soon, I'll wait until they've done that so you don't have to watch it for the first time all alone."

"Feeding tube?"

"He's under sedation. He can't eat. They have to feed him somehow, that's the easiest."

"When will they wake him up?"

"When they can take him off the ventilator. He's too stressed otherwise and it makes him ill."

"He's already ill."

"But he's never been ill like this before. This is the worst I've ever seen him."

"Should we have done something sooner?"

"The doctors said we weren't to know how serious it was. Bringing him in any earlier for something that must have just been a bad bout of hayfever would have been pointless."

"I just. What happened to us being good parents."

"I think we probably are still good parents. Sometimes life just gets too much for anyone to handle." He hugged me, running fingers through my hair.

"Just wonder where we went so wrong."

"We didn't. Our boys are the best thing that have ever happened to us."

"All of them." I said with a little laugh.

"Why do you say that?"

"Tommy was in Techno's room again. Those two didn't know each other a couple months ago, now it's like they need each other to breathe."

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