Chapter 59: caring for family

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Tor's POV:

I went to work that evening, carrying a bag from the Watson house that was full to the brim. Spare clothes for Wilbur and Phil. Toiletries. Phone chargers. (And Wilbur's phone). A card that James had helped Tommy draw. Letters from Tubbo and Techno each. And a bunch of non perishable snacks.

I rushed upstairs, after very nicely asking my friend on the front desk for his room number.

I knocked on the door, a dark room with the blinds pulled down was all I could see. Phil eventually opened it, bags under his eyes and his jumper wrapped tightly around him. "Afternoon."

"Sorry, sorry." He wiped his eyes and opened the door. "Sorry."

"No need to apologise. I've got some stuff for you and Wilbur."

"Oh thanks." He stood in the doorway, wiping his eyes. "Come in," he eventually said.

Wilbur didn't look good. Not at all. They'd had to put him on a ventilator. It hit home that he really was unwell. He wouldn't be using his phone any time soon.

"Here you are." I said, handing the bag over.

"Thanks mate." He sighed and opened the bag on the floor, kneeling down beside it.

"The boys send their love Phil, they've made him a card."

"Are they okay?"

"Yea, they're fine. They've been supporting each other. And I took Tommy out for a run this morning, which he was happy about."

"Thanks for that mate."

"I'm on shift today but I'll drop by later if that's okay?"

"It's fine, you don't need to-"

"Even if it's just 10 minutes for you to get a coffee and some air without feeling bad for leaving him. I know how much it all counts; I've seen what good it can do."

He nodded, "thank you."

"You're welcome. See you later." I paused on the way out, "bye Wilbur, see you later." Phil smiled and nodded in my direction. I knew Wilbur probably couldn't hear me (we have patients say they can hear stuff but it's a very small number) but it felt important to knowledge his existence in order to comfort Phil.

Techno's POV:

Tommy was running up and down the drive, dropping a ball we'd found in the garage at the top of the slope and racing it down to the bottom. Then he'd pick it up, run back to the top and drop it again. He was happy and busy. Which was all he needed to be in the 40 minutes it was taking James to pick up some of his belongings and the takeaway pizzas that we'd ordered.

Tubbo came outside and sat on the porch step with me, resting his crutches to the side. "What pizza toppings did you get?" I asked. He showed me the same note he'd shown James when he ordered.

"Oh nice," I mumbled, trying to sound like I would eat it too even thought I knew I would never. The amount of textures and flavours on one pizza would make my mouth explode. I looked back down the drive, trying not to let Tommy out of my sight for too long. He was still running after his ball.

"You?" He asked.

"Just cheese. I don't think I could stand the texture of anything else." Tubbo nodded in return. I checked my phone nervously. Every 10 minutes I checked. A message from Wilbur or Dad or James or Tor or anyone. I tried not to think about Mum. Dad probably wouldn't have told her. She was going to be annoyed about that.

Tubbo suddenly grabbed his crutches, forcing me to look up. "TOMMY!" I screamed, hoping my voice would be enough to stop him climbing the gate at the end of the drive, just metres away from the road. Mum and Dad told us Tommy couldn't be out here alone for that exact reason. It was too dangerous and he didn't understand danger.

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