Chapter 42: safe and secure

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Techno's POV:

I went downstairs to check everything was okay. We'd all heard the second argument of the evening and Tommy was getting more and more anxious. Wilbur came and sat with him whilst I went downstairs. I presumed Dad was still talking to Tubbo.

There was crying coming from his bedroom. I pushed the sliding door open and didn't really know what to say. "I'll be up in a minute mate," Dad said.

"Why don't we all just sit on the sofa. Saves you having the conversation four times."


Tubbo started moving into the lounge, wiping the tears and I went upstairs to get my other brothers.

When we were all sat on the sofa, some more comfortably than others: Dad started talking. Reassuring us that Mum was not leaving. That she was just taking a break. That everything was fine and we didn't need to worry. But the stress on his face discounted everything he said.

"Tubbo heard everything," I said.

"I know mate, and I'm really, really sorry Tubbo. That was a mistake on our behalf and it shouldn't have involved you like that."

He just shrugged but the text messages and tear tracks proved how upset he was. He didn't need words to express it for him. But we were all upset and some of us (maybe me) did need to get those words out.

"You promised no arguments, you promised us we would be safe. We all feel nervous about things changing, but even more so for me and Tommy! Things were finally going well, finally and then what, Mum doesn't know have to ask for a break? Tommy knows how to ask for a break!"

"Right, yea, I get you're point but this isn't the end of things. Kristin has gone out for a few hours to get some time for herself. When she gets back, her and I will talk about setting up a few hours a week where we get some time out. I had my therapy sessions, but I found something else that worked for me instead. Mum hasn't quite found that thing yet and that's okay but we need to work it out. When we've worked it out, we will talk to all of you about it. Okay?"

We nodded. "Okay," I mumbled.

"Now, it's late but I know none of us will sleep. Why don't we bundle into someone's room for tonight."

"Tommy's." Tubbo said calmly.

"Okay, Tubbo and Tommy, you go upstairs and get the bedroom ready. Wilbur and Techno, move Techno's mattress onto the floor in Tommy's room. And I'll bring up some snacks, we'll find a movie to watch."

We all moved quickly and I felt better about the situation now I'd been listened to properly. I felt bad for Mum, rather than angry at her. I just wanted her to be as happy as the rest of us were and I realised that things probably hadn't been as good for her as they had been for the rest of us. She's going to America next week: I guess I forget all the little things that weigh on her mind. She's probably worrying about leaving us behind and seeing her family again. She probably misses her family too. I forget what it was like to miss your family, but the feeling is creeping back in again now I might have found my real one.

Time skip:

Everyone else was asleep when Mum got back. She peered in at us and gave me a smile; my face was probably only just visible in Tommy's night light. I didn't smile back and spent all night thinking I should have. I wasn't angry with her, just angry with the way her not being able to take a break had affected us all. I was nervous to have the big family chat tomorrow. It kept me up all night. When everyone else woke up, I was glad I finally didn't have to keep lying there.

Tommy was up first, and I took his downstairs to get breakfast so we didn't disturb anyone. He seemed nervous and I tried to calm him down but I was exhausted and nervous myself. I just ended up putting Doctor Who on his iPad and watching it with him.

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz