Chapter 28: mario kart tournament

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Techno's POV:

I looked at the whiteboard. We'd had a busy week. Kelly's gymnastics,  my brother's music lessons and my driving lesson, on Monday. Getting to go out into town with Tubbo and Wilbur by ourselves, and Tommy's first swimming lesson on Tuesday. Kelly's gymnastics again and my autism diagnosis paperwork came through, on Wednesday. James took Tommy to a science museum, Dad had his second job interview and Tubbo had his weekly physio session, where his splints and insoles got fitted properly, on Thursday. And on Friday, we had a movie day (we watched a marvel movie) and Wilbur had Lovejoy practice.

"You alright mate?" Dad leaned in a little, just checking on me.

"Yea, sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about."

"We've got another quiet day today."

"Well, I'm going to do a little study session in 10 or so minutes, which you are welcome to join in with."

"Like we used to do when we first got here?"

"Yea, although I don't think I'll be doing it every day after school and with every piece of homework. You know you can always ask for help though."

"Yea, and if I can listen to my music, I'd like to sit and work on my English project."

"Bring everything you need down. I'm just going to ask Tubbo." He slipped through the slipping door and re-closed it behind him. I took another look at the whiteboard. I had wondered why knowing exactly what was going to happen had always calmed me. Now I guess it made perfect sense. And that calmed me too.

After bringing my things downstairs, I joined Tommy at the dinner table. He was working his way through a maths sheet. He smiled at me and stared at my computer screen until he had enough of an idea of what I was doing. Tubbo joined us and continued working through his introduction to GCSE work. Wilbur originally said no, but when he realised the rest of us were doing it, he brought down his revision notes and began looking over them.

Kelly didn't really have any school work to do. Phil told her she could do whatever she wanted. She got the model I gave her and felt her way through each room. It was nice to see her so appreciative of it.

Time skip:

"Techno, make sure you've saved that yea?"

"I have Dad!" I protested, closing some tabs and about to shut down my laptop before hearing the email notification come through. No one else reacted. Most of the time it was nothing interesting anyway.

My eyes widened when I realised where it was from and I scanned the email quickly. "I got the job!"

"What job?" Wilbur asked.

"The judo one. They said they'd love to have me back. I need to get my DBS and training sorted but they've got a summer camp 19th till 23rd of august they want me to help with. Then they're offering for me to do their Thursday lessons!"

"That's awesome bud!" Mum said, walking in with a washing basket: her and Dad had been busy trying to sort out the house today.

"I'm really proud mate, well done!" I smiled and leant back in my chair. For a moment, I got scared that when they found out I was autistic they wouldn't want me to be there. I tried moving the thought away and focussing on how cool it was that they'd offered me the summer camp as well!

"Dinner first, then you're dad and I will help you reply to their email and get the rest of it sorted."

"Yea." I smiled and closed my laptop, leaving it on the side before sitting back down at the dinner table. We were having one of Tubbo's dinners tonight. I always looked forward to them because it normally meant something interesting, but with enough thought so I'd still like it. He'd done homemade burgers with a bunch of toppings for whoever wanted them. I had cheese, vegetables and chips along the side of my plain burger, but I couldn't have been happier. I had a job. I'd found out I was autistic within days of getting a job I knew I would actually be able to do. If I'd had doubts about it holding me back, it was affecting me less and less by the minute. In fact, the reason I probably felt so calm about the diagnosis was because I'd known for a while. I just knew. I technically self-diagnosed, I just didn't talk to anyone about it.

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