Chapter 45: arguments

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TW- fighting, shouting 

Wilbur's POV:

I re-tied Tommy's shoe lace for him and we paused for a moment to allow Dad to catch up. I gave him a drink of water and got one for myself. Dad panted and squatted for a small rest. "Enjoying it?" He asked.

"Yea!" My little brother said excitedly, spinning around in wild circles.

"Yea, it's pretty good," I said, smiling at my brother, almost wanting to spin with him. I didn't; I'd just bump into him and ruin the moment. I always ruined the moment; said the wrong thing or did something in just the wrong way. Techno probably would have spun and he would have done it at the right speed and everything so that they didn't bump into each other. I kind of wished he was here now. But I guess I'll have to get good at this kind of thing for when he's living with Tor. Despite the fact I really hope they aren't related, it's clear as day. And it's just jealous of me to not want Tor as a technical brother. I don't want Techno to leave and forget about me. I'm not new like Tommy and Tubbo are and I worry I'll just get left behind. Deserted and neglected all over again.

Mum and Dad would never let that happen though, would they?

"Right, we're like halfway there now. Do we want to get the snacks out?"

Tommy and I both nodded, starting to walk again. Dad passed some biscuits to us and I walked next to Tommy so that I could open the bag for him and hand them to him one by one. My brother's struggles with mobility weren't as clear as Tubbo's. Tommy could run and walk and dance. But he struggle with fine motor movements like holding pens. And he struggled to do two things at once. His brain was already working really hard to get him walking, so holding something and then putting things in his mouth and then eating, was just too much. His brain didn't cope and things would go wrong; sometimes the walking side would stop working so Tommy would just stop walking or trip himself up. It was okay today, I could see him really concentrating to make sure it didn't go wrong and when he took each biscuit from me, he wasn't very accurate and it took him a few goes to get it.

After he'd eaten his, I got my pack out my pocket and chucked them all in at once. Dad was still a bit behind but he'd encouraged us to just go at whatever pace worked for us. I got the impression that when they went or their morning walks, Tommy was repeatedly called back or had his hand held. He seemed pleased to be able to just stomp away.

It was weird spending time with Tommy when you weren't used to it. He didn't talk to you as much as others might have, but he also had a way of keeping you engaged in what he was doing. You were always communicating with each other but not really exchanging any words. It was weird. Techno was a lot, lot better at this. His brain just made communicating like that easy for him I guess. I wished mine did right about now.

Time skip:

Tommy ran. Techno ran to meet him, or to make sure it was him he was running too. You never knew with Tommy. He might have seen a bird he wanted to look at or something. Luckily, this time, it was our family Tommy was desperate to see. I slowed so that I was able to walk over with Dad. He put an arm around me and gave a goofy smile.

"That was a nice walk!" I remarked.

"Yea it was. And Tommy seemed to enjoy it."

"He loves it, just getting to be out. Tubbo was telling me last night cause they used to spend all weekend out."

"Mhm, I can't imagine what it must be like for Tubbo though. Going from that to being unable to walk unassisted."

"He said he never enjoyed it. He preferred to be at home. Tommy was always the more active one out of the two of them."

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