Chapter 39: tight money

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Beau's POV:

Mum woke me up and I pulled myself out of bed and to the bathroom. When I was done in there, I went to get dressed. After finding myself distracted by a toy I hadn't seen in ages that had been stored in the bottom of my wardrobe, I eventually got my clothes on (black cotton dungarees with a purple t-shirt underneath, one of my favourite outfits apart from maybe that one dress).

I ate breakfast in the car on the way to Phil's and then at Phil's I had more breakfast with the Watson brothers. I like them all. Techno is tall and sometimes a bit scary but when he stops pretending to be moody all the time, I realise his brain is just a bit like mine. Wilbur is always talking about music or playing music; this morning he showed me videos of them playing at the festival. Oh and Phil got mad at him for showing me the song that had a lot of swearing in. 

Tubbo is calm and quiet and it makes me feel like I can be calm and quiet too which is nice. But I think sometimes you can see in his eyes and smile that he wants to say something stupid and funny, but he doesn't think he can. I want to tell him I know he can, but I don't know how. And Tommy is my best friend in the entire world. He says everything and nothing and both are brilliant. I can't wait to go to school with him in September and have a best friend at school.

After breakfast, Phil got me and Tommy in the car (well I got myself in) and drove us to the drama camp. James was stood right by the door when we went in and I liked him. He's really good at music and he understands Tommy even when Tommy isn't being very clear. And the best part is that he's funny and he laughs at Tommy's jokes. Lots of the other people there don't, because they don't get them but that feels like a stupid excuse and they should just get better. Maybe. Or maybe that's mean. Sorry.

When my brain gets like this and can't keep itself on one thought, I feel like I'm going to get told off. Mostly because that's what used to happen. Not with Mum though. She gets it; the doctors just say it's never my turn to be tested. Tommy got his autism diagnosis really quickly though. I think that's because Phil and Kristin payed for it. Mum says we don't have the money for things like that. Actually we didn't have the money for drama camp, Phil and Kristin said they'd feel more comfortable if Tommy already knew someone there and offered to pay for me to go. I'm very happy they did. But Mum doesn't know I know that was what happened. She thinks I still think that she got the money from nowhere. I'm not that stupid; my brain just runs at a different speed to everyone else's and they can't keep up. (I also can't slow down, but it's as much their fault as it is mine.)

No one at drama camp tells me off when my brain is too fast for them. They just ask me to try explaining it in a different way. I prefer it when people do that: it makes it feel less my fault. Mum does remind me it's never my fault (apart from when I'm just trying to be annoying) but it never sinks in properly. Maybe that's my fault too.

This morning, we were working on the scenes we did yesterday afternoon. Tommy and I are in the same group and we are doing a little scene about how aliens would only eat hotdogs, well, that's my bit. Each group got a random scene that is completely made up and our's is about aliens. There's 5 of us and we all get our chance to say what we think aliens would be like. But you have to actually act it out, you can't just say it normally. My bit is about how if aliens did really exist, they would only eat hot dogs, because my character really likes hot dogs.

Then after lunch, we learnt the second song, but we learnt the dancing part first. There isn't a lot of dancing, just a lot of movement; they feel like very different things to me but maybe they're not for everyone else. We are doing 'When I grow up' from Matilda the musical and it's awesome. We got organised into little groups based on yesterday's singing and each group sings a little bit of a verse and then we all sing the chorus. Tommy took one look at the dancing and just slumped to the floor.

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora