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Hello! Thanks for joining me for another book, the second one in this series. If you haven't read 'Just me and him' yet, I will say that a majority of this book is going to make no sense.

Anyway, this book is going to run straight on from 'Just me and him' (its first chapter happens on the day after the last day of the first book) and will involve tonnes of characters already introduced in that first book.

We now get Tommy POV's! Unlike the first book, where Tommy's voice was only introduced to you at the very end, Tommy will get his chance to say whatever he wants on this story.

The format is changing slightly, but only in the fact that the chapters are more likely to be on one off days here and there. (For those who don't know, this story does actually follow a timeline. To help you out, the first day of this book is set on the 8th of July 2019.) Some chapters will follow on from each other though. Particularly as the boys go back to school, as there's going to be tonnes of stuff happening at that point. In short, nothing is actually changing that much.

I'm rambling now, so I'll let everyone get on with reading it! Uploads are going to be every Monday and Friday as per usual, and so the first chapter is out right now! Hope you enjoy reading it!

Thanks for being here everyone!

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)Where stories live. Discover now