Chapter 54:

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Techno's POV:

It was nice to speak to Mum last night but she was super busy and we all had to said hello. We also talked way too much about the water fight. My first thought this morning about how excited I was to speak to her again tonight. I mean sure, I could just text her or call her myself but I was too awkward for that. I just couldn't do it, not even with my own Mum. I didn't know why. It was frustrating. But I just don't have an answer.

I tried to turn my focus to the day ahead: the first day of judo camp. My first day of paid work in a long time.

Whilst packing my backpack, Wilbur knocked on my open bedroom door. He looked awful. Pale and exhausted. I was really worried he had another chest infection; he gets really ill when he has one of those and it's not very nice. "Morning," he croaked, before clearing his throat and smiling.

"Morning. You feeling any better?"

"Yea a bit. Reckon it was just some stress catching up with me."

"Yea." I didn't sound as convinced as I'd hoped to.

"Tech," he waited for me to look up at him before he spoke again, "no cough. No chest infection. It was a little bit of a temperature cause it was boiling yesterday and I was under too many covers. That's all."

I nodded and let him hug me until he knew I'd understood. "Wilbur you got to let go, I get it." I said after he didn't let go. I don't like long hugs.

"Alright, alright." He laughed and wiped his eyes. "You at your judo camp thing today?"

"Yep, Dad's going to take me in a minute."

"Cool, have fun, be awesome. I don't know, stuff like that."

"Thanks Wilbur," I chuckled, double-checking I had everything before meeting Dad in the hallway downstairs. He went out to the car whilst I got my trainers on and I met him out there.

"You feeling ready?" He asked, a little in to the 20 minute drive.

"Yep. I've done my training and I know everything I'm supposed to."

"Well if you're not sure, Barry or Has can help."

"Yea, yea of course they can. But I got it."


"And they said they are going to put me with the beginner group cause they it doesn't matter if I don't remember all the judo stuff."


"And they said that if this all goes well, they could get me on a training course to deliver the sessions properly. You know, rather than just like helping out."

"That would be good mate."

"Mhm." I said, realising this could be a really good opportunity for me to finally get that job I wanted. That independence I needed.

"Are you worried about something?"


"That wasn't a no."

"Just, Wilbur I guess."

"You know the drill with this kind of thing mate. If he's still not well or getting worse after 24 hours, then we start to panic. But he seems a lot better this morning."

"Seeming and being are two very different things."

Dad laughed and smiled, "always the perceptive one of the two of us. You're right. But I'm keeping an eye on him."

"Okay." We pulled up into the car park and I sat there for a moment.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine."

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