Chapter 67: a long process

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Tommy's POV:

This morning, Phil and I did a run through of what my routine will look like on a school morning. My first day is on Wednesday and today Phil is taking me in to look around with James. I'm really excited but Tubbo is nervous.

First, Phil woke me up at 7 and helped me pick out my school trousers, shirt and jumper. I put them on, getting a bit stuck with the velcro on my school shirt (all my school clothes are special adaptive ones I can put on myself) but Phil sorted it all out for me. Then he put my socks on for me whilst I brushed my teeth. He said he wouldn't do it normally but I struggle to put my socks on sometimes because it can be a bit fiddly.

Wilbur was up early too. Phil said he hadn't slept well because he'd been up coughing a lot. He helped sort the collar out on my shirt and used some of his hair product stuff to make my hair look cool. Then we went downstairs for breakfast which Phil had already started organizing.

"What do you want on your toast Tommy?"

I typed on my iPad, "jam please."

"Good talking mate, thank you for remembering the please. Wilbur what did you want?" Wilbur wanted nutella, whatever that was. I didn't like the way it looked or smelt.

"You want to watch some Youtube together?" Wilbur asked, gesturing to my iPad which was still on one of my communication apps. I nodded and handed it to him so he could get a video up. It was a minecraft one, one of our favourites.

"Tommy, five minutes before we need to get ready to leave okay?" I hummed in reply and went back to intently watching my video, holding on to a new sensory toy Phil had got me for school.

Once it was time to go, Wilbur gave me a high five and Phil took me to the door. He double checked I had everything I would need in my bag and put the strap on my iPad case so I could carry it more easily. Then he helped me put on my new black coat and trainers. Everything new and special just for school.

Wilbur waved me off and I felt happy, rocking to music and driving to school. But when we got there, I felt funny and scared. James car was just across from where Phil parked and he came over to say hello. I squirmed in my seat and bit my fingers.

"Morning Tommy," he said, "you ready?"

I was NOT ready for it now.

"Tommy, time to go. I'm going to stay here and wait for you okay?" Phil asked. I nodded, jumping out through the door James had opened and holding my iPad closely.

"Would you like to wear your backpack or should I wear it?" I nodded and he helped me put it on.

We were still walking round to the front entrance when Mr Manifold came into view. "Tommy!" He waved.

James waved back but I just kept walking until we got close to him. "Good morning, I wanted to meet you out here because there's a lot of people in the entrance right now." I looked in through the front entrance. He was right: there was a lot of people.

"Yea that was a good idea," James said for the both of us.

"How are you feeling Tommy?"

I didn't talk, just fidgeted with my coat's zipper. James spoke for me again, I was fine with it. "I think we're both a little nervous but hopefully today will help settle our nerves."

"Hopefully. I'm sure both of you have seen our routine for today but I printed out copies anyway." I took the piece of paper and read it a couple times. My reading was way better than it was when it was only Dad teaching me and I liked reading things even more now.

"So, we're going to go to the SEND department first and look around. Does that sound okay with you Tommy?" I nodded but reached out to hold James' hand. 

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