Chapter 24: school shopping pt.2

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Tommy's POV:

Phil promised me the proper uniform he still needed to order for me would be more comfortable. It was special accessible uniform he said. Adaptive clothes. The trousers had an elasticated waist, so I could just pull them on by myself. The shirt had velcro instead of buttons so I could do that myself too. And it was made with softer material that wouldn't bother me as much.

Techno helped me get out of the stupid uniform and back into my comfortable clothes. Then we went back out to stand with Wilbur and Phil. "Tubbo is just getting changed, then we'll buy the stuff and get going to McDonald's for lunch. Tommy, are you happy with those socks?" I nodded, spinning round Techno. "Good, we can buy those then."

The socks were fine, they were grey with coloured bits on the ankle and toe. They were smart and I liked them. And McDonald's for lunch sounded good to me! Tubbo stormed out and handed Phil some of the packaging.

"Thanks mate," Phil said, placing them in the trolley, "can you put the other stuff on that railing so the staff can put it back." He sighed and I sensed my older brother was annoyed. He got angry in a bit similar way to Dad but I knew he wouldn't hurt me so it was fine. Once he'd done as he was asked, we went to the checkouts and then walked to the McDonald's. Techno and Wilbur took a quick detour to take the stationary and clothes to the car, so we didn't have to carry the bags around with us. Meanwhile, Tubbo, Phil and I got a table at McDonald's and went over the menu again to choose what we wanted.

Happy with my chicken nuggets, as was Techno, we had a nice family meal, well half a family meal. Techno showed me the best way to dip the nuggets in the ketchup pots and Wilbur showed me and Tubbo how to pour our chips into the other side of the cardboard things; I don't know what to call them. And Phil let me have a coke zero, so I was very happy.

"Right, this afternoon we need to go get jumpers for Tommy. We can get more stuff there if you boys need it too, socks, ooh you both need sport socks, boxers, whatever. It's primark, so just whatever you need. Then we'll go to the school shop. We need to get the PE tops, blazer, tie, and sew-on school badges there. Tech, Will, do you remember if they do the navy shorts there?" Techno nodded. "Okay, well get that there too."

"Are we going to Sports Direct?"

"Yep, then we'll go to sports direct. We can get backpacks, sports bags, trainers and PE equipment there. If we can find stuff you boys are happy with, we can look online though remember?" I nodded, Tubbo was still annoyed about whatever it was from earlier and didn't answer.

"Oh I forgot to tell you," Wilbur said, "I got my PE bag out my wardrobe to show Tubbo what the PE kit looked like and it turns out I need a new mouthguard?"

"Why, what was wrong with your old one?"

"It had kind of gone moudly?"

"Oh Wilbur! Right, that is one thing we are changing this year. When you get in from school, your bags are to be emptied. Lunch boxes, if you have them, emptied! And lastly, your PE kits will be washed every weekend, whether they are muddy or sweaty or neither. Okay?"

"Okay," we collectively groaned, with a few nods thrown in.

"Good. Now are we ready to get going? It's a bit more walking this afternoon." I looked at Tubbo. He hadn't been able to walk much since everything that happened. I looked it up online, when Phil told me what it was. I explain it to myself that the stabbing lost lots of blood and that meant Tubbo's brain and legs stopped working as well because they didn't get blood for a little bit and it meant they sort of half died. I don't think that's actually what happened though, not scientifically.

I felt a bit funny, Techno said it was like when you were nervous or anxious. It felt wiggly, but not in a good way.

Phil held my hand and we walked to Primark. "You didn't like the blazer, which I don't blame you for, so we need to get some crew neck jumpers, not knitted though don't worry. Then I'll sew on the school badge, does that sound good?"

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