Chapter 14: mess it up

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TW- swearing (if it's Tommy's POV, it will pretty much always contain swearing)

Tommy's POV:

This was the only boring part of the day, but Phil said if I walked round nicely and told someone when I needed a break, that we could watch Jurassic Park this evening. I was desperate to watch the movie again and I really wanted to prove to everyone that just because I was having a bit of a rough day, didn't mean I couldn't still do stuff. They wanted to leave me at home! And that just wasn't fair.

We didn't have music with Mumbo later because he was on holiday this week. And that made me a little nervous because I liked the routine and I liked the music, but now we were watching Jurassic Park and that meant it would be fine. I wanted to be okay with it all so I didn't mess it up for anyone but sometimes it was difficult.

Some parts of the house were interesting. Kristin held my hand and we read through information about the people who used to live here and how they used to do basically nothing all day. But then we went downstairs, to the basement and learnt all about the people who used to actually do the work all day. Wilbur stayed upstairs for that bit and Phil said it was because he doesn't really like small spaces. But Tubbo and Techno came down and we watched a lady make some bread. She gave us a bit to try from some she had made earlier and it tasted really nice. A lot better than normal bread.

Then we went back upstairs to find Wilbur. He was stood awkwardly outside, looking at his phone. I ran up and hugged him. He sounded really scared when he found me earlier and I hadn't meant to worry him. I can't explain it, but my brain just makes me run. I don't mean to be a problem. I don't like messing it up for everyone else. Wilbur was very scared and tired. But Terry was really nice! He kept telling me lots of new songs to listen to and when I get home, I'm going to search them up and listen. He said they were from the 80's. I hope he meant the 1980's and not an earlier decade.

"A visit to the gift shop before we leave?" Kristin suggested. I didn't really care; I was tired and I wanted to watch Jurassic Park. But everyone else wanted to so we went in.

I walked around with Kristin but I was getting a bit overwhelmed. We looked at a few toys, I found a red yo-yo that confused me because I didn't understand it's point in the gift shop of a big old house, but maybe that's normal? Dad hadn't taken me to one of these places before. She got me the yo-yo though and then we waited for everyone outside whilst the others were buying things. She tried to teach me how to do it.

"Here, put that finger out. Nope, the one next to it. Yep, there we go. So the loop of string goes over the finger, spin your hand round. Okay, now hold that, hand back around. Let the yo-yo go, and flick," she flicked my hand up for me, "there we go. So let it go back down and flick!" I laughed, which was my normal way of reacting when something excited me. And kept flicking it up and down.

When my brothers came out the shop, they were holding their own things and Phil said it was time to go home. I yo-yoed the whole way back to the car park and I yo-yoed while everyone talked about who was going in what car. We were switching this time. Wilbur was coming in the car with me and Phil, and Techno was going in the car with Tubs and Kristin. They were talking about driving practice or something but Phil was getting me into the car at the same time and so I wasn't listening. Then I tried yo-yoing in the car but the string got all tangled so I just let it drop to the floor.

I did my own seatbelt, which Phil high-fived me for and Phil got me a few snacks out of the cool bag and put them on the table thing that came down in the middle seat. My iPad was running out of battery but it was fine because Wilbur plugged his phone in and played music the whole way home. We listened to lots of different music, and Phil and Wilbur sung along. And I did my humming.

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