Chapter 70: slipped

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Phil's POV:

When I woke up to shouting, I immediately thought it was Tommy. But as I sat up in bed and searched for my phone, I realised it wasn't coming from across the hallway. It was coming from downstairs.


I rushed down, noticing that Wilbur's bedroom door was open and his bedside lamp was on. In the moment, I didn't think anything of it. At the bottom of the stairs, I rushed into Tubbo's room and saw Wilbur stood there, a smashed glass on the floor. But then just past him, as I got closer, I saw Tubbo laying there, a massive gash on his forehead.

"Wilbur, go get your mum." He didn't move, "WILBUR NOW!"

I moved to the shoe cupboard, throwing on my pair of crocs before I even moved further into Tubbo's room. The smashed glass had made the floor slippery and sharp, now was not the time for me to cut my foot. "Tubbo? Can you hear me mate?"

Recovery position. I was remembering bits of my first aid training now and was trying to put it in place. Tilting him on his side, I quivered at the pool of blood on the floor and grabbed a t-shirt from his washing basket (less than a metre away) to stem the bleeding in his head. I listened for his breathing and sighed in relief when I could hear it clearly.

"What's happened?" Kristin asked appearing at the door, rushing in.

"NO!" She paused, "there's broken glass on the floor. You need shoes on."

"Ambulance?" She asked simply.

"Uh yea, yea. I'll go with him." I brushed the hair out of the way of his cut and pressed the t-shirt there harder. His bathroom door was open and the light was on. Had he slipped on his way out or something? Why did this always happen to our family? "Tubbo? Can you hear me mate?"

Kristin stood just in the doorway, on the phone with the emergency services. "Yes, he's breathing."

"Okay, and are they conscious?" She had put the phone on loudspeaker so I could hear it too.


"Okay and what's happened today?"

"We've just come downstairs and our son is on the floor. He uses crutches and we think he's slipped. He's got a cut on his forehead."

"Okay, we're going to get an ambulance to you. Can you put him into the recovery position?"

"My husband already has."

"Well done and does he look injured anywhere else?" I looked over his body, nothing looked out of place to me.

"We don't think so."

"Alright then, the ambulance is on their way. If he gets worse or anything drastically changes, please don't be afraid to call us back."

"Okay thanks."

"Bye." Kristin put her phone away and came over. "I'll stay with him, you go sort out an overnight bag."

"Yep." I rushed upstairs. 

"Dad?" It was Techno.

"Yea?" I said, still rushing around my room, packing.

"Is he okay? Wilbur is really shaken up."

"He's fallen and hurt his head. He'll be feeling better soon."

"Tommy and Wilbur are going to stay in my room tonight. If you and Mum both need to go to the hospital, that's okay."

"I think Mum is going to stay mate."

"Oh okay, well yea, they're with me."

"Thanks mate. Is Tommy upset?"

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