Chapter 11: finding a family

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Tor's POV:

I finished my night shift and rushed home. I wanted to get my few hours of sleep in but also be up early enough to get ready to get to the Watson's house. There was such a level of excitement in life and it was everywhere!

I had picked out a south park t-shirt to wear especially and was armed with gifts for everyone, based on my limited knowledge. Techno had a new set of watercolours, after Phil had sent me a picture of a watercolour painting he'd done for Tommy recently. Wilbur had this new set of guitar picks a patient I'd taken into the hospital had recommended (who happened to be a pretty well-known musician). Tubbo had a south park t-shirt (although not the same as the one I'd decided to wear) that I hoped he wouldn't hate. And lastly, I'd found a dalek soft toy for Tommy.

Oh and I had bought a nice bottle of wine for Phil and Kristin but I then realised that taking alcohol to the house wasn't possibly the best of ideas and so I found a nice box of chocolates instead. I was kind of desperate to make a good impression.

All of them had been wrapped expertly by me, definitely not whilst drunk a few days ago. And were sat in a bag by the front door of my flat so I didn't forget them on my way out. I was almost too excited and struggled to sleep for the few hours I had available. Still I didn't need the sleep when I seemed to be so high on adrenaline.

I decided I'd go on my run later instead or rushing through it now and end up with the possibility of being late. I definitely needed to go on said run, because I'd been lacking recently. The prospect of going to the gym disgusted me in a way I couldn't explain, but running had kept me going in times where I really needed it. The day Mum died I nearly completed a marathon by accident. I ended up with a sprained ankle and nearly completely bruised feet. But I needed it. It was my body's way of getting it all out of my system. It's my coping mechanism.

Still, I showered and got myself ready, setting out my running clothes so I would be ready to do the run when I went back. I realise it would actually be a nicer (cooler) temperature to run in and it probably still wouldn't be dark anyway, so everything had worked out. I locked the door to my flat, sprinted down the stairs because as per usual, the lift was out of service and climbed into my car.

There was a bit of traffic on the way but I'd planned for it and arrived a few minutes early. The gate to their drive was already open and I pulled in, calmed myself and then went to knock on the door.

Phil opened it and stared at me in shock. "Uh, hey, I'm Tor." I readjusted my bag containing presents, and held my hand out for him to shake it.

"Hey! Sorry, you just really look like Techno. It's odd."

I gulped. "Oh really?"

"Yea, anyway, nice to meet you mate, come in, come in." I looked quickly at the massive whiteboard on the wall as Phil locked the door.

"Sorry about that," Phil repeated, guiding me through to the lounge. It was empty. "They were here 5 minutes ago!" He sighed. "How about a drink whilst we wait for them to turn up?"

"Uh yea, thanks. What have you got?"

"Soft drinks. No alcohol I'm afraid, we're working out whether it'll help reduce some of the anxiety."

"Yea I figured. And I'll just have a coke?"

"Yep. Coke zero okay?"

"Yes thanks." He smiled at got one out of the fridge.

As I took a sip of the cold liquid, there was some movement at the bottom of the garden. "Ah there we go," Phil said, "how about we sit outside?"

"Sounds nice." I said, still feeling a little awkward.

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