Chapter 63: good things

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Kristin's POV:

I cancelled Tubbo's therapy appointment for the day, sent Phil a final message and then finally put my phone down. I'd spent a lot of the day trying to organise everything. With Phil and Tubbo being ill, and me still in the hospital with Wilbur, I also tried to check in with Techno regularly.

About half way through the night, a doctor came into the room, waking me up.

"Sorry, we meant to get to you before dinner but we had a delay on some of his test results."

"It's okay," I said, not sure what he was going on about.

"A nurse is going to come in in a second and help me take him off the ventilator."


"Did no one tell you?"

"No, or maybe they did and I've just forgotten." I laughed nervously.

"Okay, Wilbur's been improving and we want to take him off the ventilator and then off the sedatives. It's not going to be immediate recovery but we're hopeful."

"What happens if he can't breathe by himself?" I asked.

"We can put him back on the ventilator but his lungs should have recovered enough to breath by themselves now."

I bit my nail from nerves and nodded.

A nurse came in (one I didn't recognise), smiled politely and then went up to Wilbur, looking at his SATS. This all felt so soon. I'd been listening to the wheezy push and pull of the ventilator for days now and it was almost calming. But it was better gone. It was good he was getting better.

I crossed my fingers and waited in the corner of the room patiently as more nurses came in and started moving things around. "Are you ready Mum?" The Doctor asked me.

"Yep." I said, trying to keep still and calm.

"Alright, are we all ready?" The nurses muttered their yeses and nodded their heads. "3, 2, 1 and let's go please."

Quickly and smoothly Wilbur was taken off the ventilator and everyone paused, holding their breaths to see when he would take his. The entire room felt huge and echoey and horrible. There was a sour taste in my mouth and I waited and waited for what seemed like an eternity.

Then he breathed; it was a little wheezy but it was there and everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"We're going to monitor him for a little bit and then ease them off the sedatives okay?" I nodded, still partly in shock.

"This is a really good sign," one of the nurses confirmed, comforting me.

I felt like calling Phil, but he'd be asleep. It would just have to wait until tomorrow.

For now, I pulled up a chair next to my son and held his hand so tightly that I might have stopped the blood flowing to his fingers. I repositioned the minecraft plushies next to him and brushed the sweaty hair from his forehead. It was hot tonight and the one fan in the room wasn't doing enough. I re-wet the flannel for his forehead and lay it across, grabbing one for my own forehead.

Techno's POV:

I woke up, peeled Tommy off me and left him to sleep in my bed.

I had a quick, cold shower, got changed, brushed my teeth and by the time I got back to my room, I'd made enough noise to wake Tommy up. It wasn't too early, so I took him along to his bathroom and got him ready.

"Which t-shirt?" I whispered, looking at all of the options in the drawers under his bed.

He picked out a red one with a T-rex on the front. Then he picked out a pair of grey shorts and I helped him get changed. "Uh, uh." He said, holding his hands up at me.

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