Chapter 10: safety

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TW- swearing

Phil's POV:

"Look, Tech, we've got to talk to Wilbur quickly and then I promise we will help you fill out your application for the job."

"Fine." He rolled his eyes and slammed his bedroom door in my face.

"Hey, can you give that another try?" I said through the closed door, trying to keep calm.

I heard a sigh. The door opened, "sorry."

"It's fine, we make mistakes but I know you can fix it."

"Okay." He took a breath and started again, "let me know if I can help with Wilbur. Should I go sit with Tommy whilst you and Mum are busy?"

"We will let you know, thank you for offering. And no, he's had his bath and Tubbo's with him. I think giving them sometime to themselves would be appreciated." He nodded, "in the mean time, why don't you print off your CV and the application forms. The printer's just here now," I said, pointing to the reading nook, "remember?"

"Yea, I got it. But it's all on email, not paper Dad."

"Then we can fill it all out and find out where we need to send it."

"Thanks Dad."

"Okay mate, I'll come and get you when we're done." He closed the door gently and I heard him flop down onto his bed.

Sighing, I knocked on Wilbur's door. It was open and Joe was sat on the camp bed we'd laid out for him to sleep on. "You alright mate?"

"Yes thanks Phil."

"Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine thanks."

"Okay, well you just let us know. Wilbur will be up in a few minutes." He nodded and went back to looking at his phone. I smiled sadly and went downstairs.

Wilbur was sat the table with my wife and she smiled at me as I came down the stairs. "So, what can Mum and I do to help you remember to take this stuff?"

"I set reminders of my phone, you know, like I said I would but I just, I thought it'd be fine."

"Okay, well lets get a pill organiser and put the hay fever tablets in them. That way, we can check if you've taken it. So you won't take double, or none at all and so Mum and I can remind you without having to ask you?"

"That sounds good. Could I keep it in my room?"

"Of course mate, I'll pick it up from the pharmacy when I get the refills next week."

"I think if I have to remember to take the tablet every morning, I can do the preventer the same time?"

"Yep, but what about the second one in the evening?" Kristin reminded.

"One of you two normally comes to check on me before I got to sleep, so you could ask me then and if I have done it, I'll probably roll my eyes and complain, and if I haven't I can roll my eyes and then do it?"

We all laughed, "so, is that that sorted?"

"Yea, I'm sorry about not doing it before."

"I know it's tough to come to us if you're struggling, but you know we're here for you bud."

"Yea, just feels stupid."

"Taking meds isn't stupid. Tommy takes his like they are f-cking tic tacs. And I swear Techno has started swallowing his ADHD meds without water!"

"Phil, language." I smiled at my wife and laughed lightly.

"It's okay, Tubbo said that Tommy's always had an obsession with swearing. Apparently he used to love watching Gordon Ramsey."

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