Chapter 25: rough night, long morning

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TW- swearing

Phil's POV:

I woke up early. Tommy and Tubbo had both had another rough night. Both of them were plagued with nightmares that seemed to be gone one minute and leading to days of sleepless nights the next.

After Kelly's gymnastics, I ran her a bath, helped her washed her hair and did a cute hairstyle in it. Something with a bit more texture so she'd be able to feel it as I described it to her. I was pleased I'd gone on that hair course a few years ago. I mean, I knew how to do plaits and ponytails but I had no clue on how to properly care for or style other textures of hair. As I put a few, small, neat braids in last night, Kelly and I talked.

"My dad does my hair too."

"Yea? Kristin has a job you see, she works in a school, so I stay at home. I've done lots of hairstyles over the years."

"Dad says a lot of people don't know how to do my hair. But when he saw the hairstyle you did the other day, he said someone knew what they were doing."

"I'm glad he liked your hair!"

"Maybe you should teach him, he doesn't do complex hair stuff."

"I could teach him if you'd like?" She nodded and I held her head still again to continue doing the hair.


"It's alright mate. Was gymnastics fun tonight?"

"Yea! We were working on beam stuff..." She continued to talk all about her gymnastics skills as I finished her hair and put her to bed. Then I went back downstairs to find Kristin talking to our older boys about school stuff. I joined the conversation and we eventually sat down to watch a movie.

Around half way through the movie, we heard some screaming from Tommy's bedroom and I nominated myself to go and check. In short, Tommy had a nightmare, got scared and would only go back to sleep if I stayed with him.

Kelly had been slightly scared by waking up to Tommy screaming, so she came in to join us as we sat reading for a little bit. Once we were all calm, we went back to bed. And once my youngest son had fallen asleep, I snuck back downstairs to continue watching the movie.

Kristin and I thought we'd gotten away with it as we lay there in bed that night. Techno, Wilbur and Tubbo seemed to be getting on well and had now convinced us to buy a proper microphone for all their benefits. We'd got nearly everything the boys needed for school. And Kelly was both happy staying with us and looking forward to going home soon.

Then, just as we had turned off the lights and were about to drift off: there was a loud crash. I walked into Tommy's room to see the bedside table on its side and things strewn about everywhere. Calmly, I turned on his fairy lights and returned the bedside table to it's original spot. I'd have a talk with Eret about options for making his bedroom safer. The shelving unit we stored some of his clothes on (so they were more accessible for him and allowed him more independence) wasn't secured to a wall and I was now concerned about him pulling it down on top of himself.

"Hey mate," I whispered, "would you like a hug?" He tucked himself in the corner of his bed and pushed Zog under his chin, resting on his knees. "That's okay, we can sort all of this. What can I do for you?" 

I picked up his iPad for where it had fallen and unplugged it. Resting it on his bed, just close enough to be within reach, I then began placing the rest of the fallen items back on the bedside table. The picture Kristin had done for him, luckily the frame hadn't broken. His water bottle. The book we'd been reading. And then finally his two sonic screwdrivers which he hadn't had much interest in for a while.

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant