Epilogue: A Laughing Sandwich

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"OH MY- S-S-STOP- JIMIN-AH- DON'T T-T-ICKLE... ME!" Taehyung choked out, between his laughter and trying to gasp for air. 

"DoN't tIcKle mEe~~" Jimin mocked, his voice whining in pitch. 

You could hear Hoseok's laughter somewhere in the background, but you couldn't tell where it was coming from.

It had basically been white noise all afternoon, anyway. 

Besides, Jimin and Taehyung were distracting you from your task at hand. 

Beating Jin in Mario Kart. 

You focused back on the game just in time to see Princess Peach re-appearing from the bullet that had just taken her from 11th to 5th place. Right behind Yoshi and a sweating Jin, sitting in  4th. 

Sitting in 4th, but not for long. 

You hit an item box, and waited impatiently for the item to appear. 


A red shell. 


You didn't use it right away, holding onto it until the last lap. Both you and Jin passed the likes of Bowser, Bowser Jr. and Luigi during the lap, leaving you in 2nd and 1st place. 

It was now or never.

Princess Peach threw her red shell, and it hit Yoshi directly in the back. As he flipped, Peach glided past him, waving her hands. 

And she flew over the finish line. In first. 

Instead of a large celebration, you just put your controller down, sinking back into the couch. 

Jin's protesting yell rose from his seat instantaneously, and if you weren't expecting it, you would have jumped at how loud it was. 

Which happened to be exactly what Yoongi did, and after he had recovered from the initial shock, his face turned into a frown once he realised he'd been woken up from his nap. 

How he'd even been asleep in the midst of this is beyond me. 

"Y-you- how did you-?" Jin stuttered, in shock. 

"Well, obviously you didn't screen-cheat, I'm surprised," you muttered, half being sarcastic and half-confused. You had fully expected him to be prepared for that last move, knowing he could see your screen.

Jin huffed, pouting and crossing his arms. "Again."

You sighed, shaking your head. "No. I'm done. I've beaten you so many times now. How long will it take you to realise Peach is just... better?"

Jin gasped dramatically. "You did not. Just. Say. That."

"I did." You stood up, turning away from him, feigning disinterest. "Anyway, I'm tired of winning." You spotted Jungkook going to the kitchen. "Plus, Kookie wants to play with me-" you raised your voice so he could hear you, "-don't you, Kook?"

He lifted his head up at his name. "Huh?"

You turned back to Jin. "See?" As if this proves anything. "I'm busy. Maybe you should challenge Yoongi-oppa and Bowser to a race."

Yoongi raised his eyebrow. "And what makes you think I'm going to play with him after he woke me up?" He asked, obviously annoyed you'd dragged him into this.  

You smiled sweetly. "Because you love him~" you sang, gently patting his shoulder before heading towards Jungkook and the kitchen. 

As you approached him, Jungkook's eyes were wide and attentive, looking at you as if he were waiting for you to elaborate on whatever words he'd heard you say. "We're going to do something together. I don't know what, but I had to get away from Jin-oppa and Yoshi. I'm sick of beating him all the time."

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