Chapter 16: Quality... time?

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That afternoon, you sat in the front garden of the school. 

The silence was bliss. You could hear the gleeful chirps of the birds as they hopped from branch to branch in the trees above you. You smiled.

For a moment, you felt peace. A gentle breeze caught your hair, and it danced lightly in front of your face, causing you to instinctively pull it back behind your ear. You wished you could just stay in that moment forever.

Soon, you heard footsteps coming towards you. You glanced up towards the sound, and meet the person's eyes, tilting your head slightly.

"You're still here? I thought you went home?" You said, a question mark forming at the end of your words. You were confused as to why he was still here.

He nodded slightly. "I had to catch up on some work, cause I don't wanna have to do anything tonight. What are you still doing here?"

"Oh, I'm just waiting for the girls, that's all. We're going out this afternoon," you replied calmly.

He pouted. "Again? Why can't we go out sometimes, you know, just you and me. Spend some quality time together?"

You smiled a little. "Don't you think we've spent enough time together over the years? I mean, you are my twin."

Taehyung sighed. "Yeah, but that wasn't really quality time, so to speak. That was more like dealing with each other because we had to."

You considered his point, nodding slightly. "True. Look, I don't have time today, but I promise you we'll go out-" you quickly unlocked your phone and checked the calendar, "-this weekend, maybe? We can go for a movie and a walk along the beach or something.... to spend some of that 'quality time together' that we've previously neglected. How does that sound?"

He grinned, face lighting up with joy. "Sounds great, Bi. I'm looking forward to it already."

Evidently, he was suddenly reminded of something. You could tell, as he paused, face falling again. "Are you sure you can't come home this afternoon, tonight? It's pretty important.... you know?"

At your obvious confusion, he sighed heavily, looking down towards his feet, crestfallen. "Well, I better get going. What time do you think you'll be back?"

You bit the inside of your lip in thought. You knew you probably wouldn't be back at the house until late at night; you had a lot to do this afternoon. 

You checked your watch. It was already nearly 5. You wouldn't be back in time for dinner, that was for sure.

You scrunched up your nose. Looking up to meet his eyes, you responded with, "You're gonna have to cook for yourself, or get takeaway or something. I won't be back till later. I don't know a specific time at this point."

He raised his left eyebrow, then rolled his eyes. You heard him mumble beneath his breath. "What's so important you won't come home tonight?"

He looked back up at you. "Have fun then, I guess. See you... later, then."

You nodded at him, saying "Bye" as he walked away from you. His shoulders hunched,  his feet dragged through the grass as he walked towards the student parking.

You sighed, looking down as you felt guilty. You knew that all Taehyung wanted was more of your attention. You often didn't have time for him, as you were so busy with your work as a mafia leader. You knew it had hit him hard; you used to spend time with him, play games, take him out for lunch, but why had you suddenly had no time for him anymore?

He wasn't use to that kind of attitude from you. You would always make him feel as if he was the first priority in your life, because, in a way, he was. You had promised to Hyerin that you would always put his safety first, above everything else in your life. 

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