Chapter 20: Absent

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The next morning, neither you or Taehyung talked about the previous night.

You wanted to avoid the awkwardness of not being able to answer any of his questions, in fear that you would break down in front of him.

And you'd never done that before.

Now was not the time to start.

You weren't aware of the fact that Taehyung had heard your every word last night, but he knew that you were truly sorry and didn't speak further about the issue.

He pretended nothing had happened at all, so when you walked into the kitchen in the morning to get breakfast, you were greeted cheerfully by an exuberant Taehyung.

You have to admit that at first, you were surprised that he didn't ask a question. He seemed to have had no recollection of yesterday's events.

But you knew that he would never forget it, no matter how hard he tried.


The day went on as normal, even if (whenever you were around him) there was something in the air that didn't sit properly, no matter how much the both of you faked your smiles and pretended you were okay. You were worried about him, because he was trying so hard to put on a happy face, and he only did it when he noticed you watching him.

It was hurting the both of you.

So, you carried on the school day as normal. You had adapted to the new norm of being suspicious of everything around you, looking eagle-eyed at every inch of the classroom, every scratch of paint on the wall, every speck of dust on the tables. You no longer felt safe at school, and because of this you were always paranoid and worried about the safety of Bangtan.

Especially Taehyung.


As you were walking to the cafeteria to go to lunch, you heard quick footsteps behind you, then a voice as the person sidled up to you.

"Hey, Y/N, do you know where Hoseok is?? I can't find him anywhere."

You furrowed your eyebrows slightly, slowing to a stop. You looked at him.

"Huh? Isn't he here?"

Namjoon shook his head. "I haven't seen him since yesterday. He wasn't answering any of my calls or texts last night, either."

He was at the school last night.... but why wouldn't he be here today?

You were immediately worried. What if he got caught? What if something happened to him?

Negative thoughts instantly flooded your mind. You had a sudden urge to spit out the details of yesterday night to Namjoon because you were so worried about Hoseok.

But then again, you couldn't. No one should know Hoseok was here last night, no matter how trustworthy they are. And then Namjoon would know that you were also at the school last night, which would raise even more questions.

Questions you wouldn't be able to answer.

Instead, you spoke to Namjoon, wanting to know more.

"He didn't call or text you this morning? Or any of the other boys?"

He shook his head. "Not a soul. Usually he tells us when he's not going to be here.... and he's nearly never absent."

You nodded slightly, agreeing with him. "Oppa, I'm sure he's fine. Let's just got to the table and talk about it there."

You paused, then added; "If we're going to worry about him, we may as well worry as a group."

A slight smile danced on the corners of Namjoon's lips, barely reaching his eyes.

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