Chapter 59: Exposed

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When you entered the room, Jisoo was hunched over her desk, furiously typing on her computer. 

Your phone was plugged into the side, text flashing about its screen irrationally. 

You headed towards her, flinching when she suddenly slammed her palms down on her desk, leaning back with a victorious grin.

"Got it!"

You jogged towards her, looking over her shoulder as she zoomed into the map on the screen. 

"Incheon." Glancing at the address, you looked at her and nodded. "Alright, I've already got your stuff sorted in the weapons room. Come, let's get you geared up so we can go."

She got up, immediately leaving the room. You snatched your phone from the desk, unplugging it and following her out.

Just five minutes later, you and the four girls were sitting in the back of a black van, the driver in the front seat starting the vehicle before driving off

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Just five minutes later, you and the four girls were sitting in the back of a black van, the driver in the front seat starting the vehicle before driving off. 

Everyone was silent with nerves, minds fixated on Yoongi.

Then your phone rang.

Once more, it was... Yoongi.

You quickly answered, putting the phone on speaker. You wanted the girls to get a sense of just how serious this really was.

Afterall, they hadn't heard Yoongi yet.


"Hello, Blackrose- or should I say- Lim Y/N."

You froze, face paling. You glanced warily at the girls. 

Their eyes were wide. They knew the name. Everyone knew of the Lims. But you knew they thought they were all dead. 

Everyone thought the Lims were dead. 

You gulped. The girls wouldn't abandon you right before a mission. You didn't care what they did afterward. You deserved it. You had been lying to them this entire time, and would absolutely understand if they hated you. 

Pushing the thought aside, you focused back on the phone.

The voice sounded familiar, you were sure of it. Yet, you couldn't quite put a name to it.

One thing you were certain of?

It was OSH.

Not Yoongi.

That could only mean something bad. Then, the voice was heard again.

"I see your oppa has already called you, maybe... an hour ago? That means you're on your way here, correct?"

You didn't reply. 

He chuckled evilly. "Your silence means I'm correct. Well, I look forward to seeing you. Come alone, without any of your minions, otherwise I won't hesitate to kill your friends. Your beloved 'oppa' is barely breathing as it is, it won't take much." 

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