Chapter 13: What Now?

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You sat in your car, and after a moment, you lent you head against the steering wheel.

Closing your eyes, you mulled over everything you had just uncovered.

My enemy knows my real name, and he also knows what I look like unmasked.

He goes to the same school as I do.

He has the files, and his brother has been working at my warehouse for a whole year. That means he's probably passed over confidential information and mission details to OSH. 

So OSH has the one-up on me. He's got the advantage. He probably knows my strategies, main agents, and even my spies. 

He's been spying on me for a year, and I didn't even know.

You sat there, consumed in the depressing thoughts filling your mind. 

However, there was something bugging you.

Something was nipping at the back of your mind. You were missing something.

And in your gut, you knew it was important.

But you just couldn't quite put your finger on it.




Then it hit you.

He knows about Bangtan.

You heart stopped. If he knew your real identity, if he went to your school, he would know about Bangtan. Your boys. 

He'd know about Taehyung.

He'd know Jin, and Namjoon.

He'd know Yoongi and Hoseok.

He'd know Jimin... and Jungkook.

Dahyun and Nayeon, too.

Everything you had been striving to hide was no longer hidden.

The promises you'd made to Hyerin.... would you be able to keep them?

They were on the brink of breaking, of collapsing into a pitch-black abyss.

Would you really be able to keep them all safe?

Would you be able to protect them while their lives were in danger?

You had no clue.

Sure, you were the most feared Mafia Queen in Seoul.

But would it be enough?

Nothing was guaranteed anymore.

And you really didn't know what you could do.

How would you keep them safe?

But this realisation made you wonder... why hadn't OSH already attacked them? 

He could have used them to make you weak already, why wait?

Did he want you to find out about everything before he made his move?

He probably planned this out from the beginning. 

Makes sense, you thought. Play with your victim before feeding them to the wolves. He wants me to suffer mentally before snatching my loved ones. He wants me to feel helpless as I watch everything crumble around me.

Which is exactly what was happening now.

He unveiled the truth; in one, crushing, deadly blow. 

You did indeed feel hopeless. You felt naïve for not being more aware of what was going on. You felt stupid for letting all of this happen in the first place.

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