Chapter 34: It's Your Fault

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The girls didn't even try to hide the confusion on their faces.

A pause, and then: "What do you mean... a lead?"

Rosie piped up, asking the questions that was evidently on their minds.

You couldn't believe they hadn't picked it up. It was so damn obvious!

Instead of telling them, you lent back in your chair, sighing.

"Well, think about it for a moment. We have the date the footage was taken, and we know OSH was in a maroon jumper.... right?"

They all nodded slowly.

"So.... if we could somehow find footage from that day.... we would be able to identify who OSH is.... right?"

They frowned slightly for a moment. They it dawned on them.

The sudden realisation dawned on them. Jisoo's eyes widened, and a big smile soon lit up her face.

"So all we have to do is get a hold of the school's CCTV footage!!"

You snapped your fingers at her and grinned evilly. "Bingo. Congratulations, you have been promoted to an intellectual," you joked, knowing full well she probably had an IQ double of yours.

She just needed a little nudge in the right direction today. Afterall, it had been a big week.

The other three girls cracked a small smile, but you could tell inside they were buzzing and eager to get started.

"So when are we going to break into the school again?" Lisa asked.

You nearly answered her immediately, but then Taehyung popped into your mind.

You'd be leaving him. alone... again

So you thought about it again. Today was, what, Sunday? Nearly Monday, actually.

You could spend some more time with him tomorrow...

Wednesday will do. 

Afterall, you couldn't wait too much longer. Time was running out.

"Wednesday night..." Turning to Jisoo, you asked, "You and Jin don't have anything on then, do you?"

She took a moment to think, but then shook her head. "No, Wednesday's good."

The other girls hummed in agreement. 

You clapped your hands, rubbing them together in satisfaction.

"Okay, perfect, Wednesday night it is then. I'll check the school calendar, just to check we're in the clear, but that is the plan unless I update you further. Great work girls, you're dismissed."

They bowed in respect before silently walking out.

However, when you looked back up, you noticed Jisoo was still standing there, zoned out and focused on a point on the wall.


She immediately snapped out of her trance, her eyes locking onto yours.

"Oh, yes, I thought I better tell you something else I found... about the voice recorder under your table."

Your eyebrow shot up. You had completely forgot about that amidst your excitement.

She continued. "Well, I thought to take fingerprints... but..."

Aahh, right. Fingerprints.

You totally didn't forget about that when you carelessly ripped it off from under the table and gave it to Lisa.

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