Chapter 11: No One Should Know

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It was a sunny day outside, but despite the warm weather, you felt empty and cold. Many emotions ran through your veins as you sat on the floor of your bedroom packing your clothes into a suitcase.

Hyerin's voice cut through your conscience, and you looked up to meet her eyes.

"Darling, always remember one thing. Never tell anyone your true identity. If they know, you will always be hunted. Don't even tell your brother. He doesn't know, and the doctors said he shouldn't know anything that happened before the accident. You shouldn't stress him out. The less people that know the better. Less chance of anyone finding out. Protect your family- well, Taehyung, at all costs. He is precious, okay? From now on, he is the most important person in your life. Stay in hiding. Don't come out until it's safe."

She sighed heavily, continuing.

"Honey, I love you so much, and you have to promise me that you'll stay safe. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to be there for you, okay?"

You smiled at her, wondering why she was telling you all this again.

"I know, Aunty, you've said that a thousand times! It's nearly been 8 years since the accident, we've moved on from that. I promise I'll keep Taehyung safe at all costs, no one will ever know we're Lims. I'll keep us both hidden. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine, we're almost 17 now-"


Taehyung's voice rung up the stairwell, and pounding feet followed. You and Hyerin chuckled, turning to face the exasperated boy.

"Sweety, I hung it out on the line, I washed it in the last load of wash-"

His eyes went wide.

"You WHAT!? Washed it with the other clothes!? It's white, you can't wash it- AISHHH my BABY!!"

He ran his fingers through his hair in a panic, and rushed out of the room as quickly as he had appeared.

You facepalmed, whispering, "Idiot."

You soon received a smack on the head, and groaning, you looked back up at Hyerin.

"What was that for?" You complained, rubbing your sore head.

"Don't call your brother an idiot, idiot." She replied, smiling softly as she continued to pack your clothes.

You feigned shock but then smiled, gazing over her face one last time before closing your suitcase as she pushed the rest of the clothes in.

"Do we have to go, Aunty? I don't see why we can't stay here-"

"Silly girl. You're almost 17! Do you expect to be able to live off me for the rest of your life? No! You have to get a job, go to college, live your life! Not be cooped up in here with me! Come on honey, you can always visit me whenever you want," she explained, shoving you down the stairs. "TAEHYUNG, MOVE YOUR BACKSIDE DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW OR YOU'LL MISS THE BUS!"

You chuckled. I really don't want to go, you thought, as you heard Taehyung rushing down the stairs to join you, pulling on his now-pink Gucci shirt. He suddenly stumbled over his own feet, but he managed to catch himself, narrowly avoiding face planting.

You shook your head, when you realised Taehyung didn't have his suitcase with him. You elbowed him sharply as you whispered, "Dumbhead, go get your flipping luggage, or else I'll stain all your Gucci."

His face reddened as he pinched your arm before running back upstairs.

You winced and rubbed your arm. Whispering under your breath, you said "I swear I'm gonna kill him-"

Hyerin glared at you before saying, "Please keep him alive, you brat." She grinned mischievously at you before turning serious. "I beg you Y/N, stay safe. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to the both of you."

You stepped forward and kissed her gently on the forehead. "I swear on my life we'll stay safe. We'll lay low, and I'll protect him with everything I have."

You shared a hug feeling her warmth as much as possible before you left.

"And those friends of yours.... what do you call them again? Bang.... Bangtan?"

You hummed.

"They shouldn't know either. I fear for their lives if they come to find out, after all, them and their families have been associated with you guys- and me, for a very long time. If anyone, if they themselves found out..... it would put them in grave danger."

"Yes, Aunty. They don't need to know anyway.... what they don't know won't hurt them, right?"

But as you said that, as you heard Hyerin's words, a seed of fear was planted in your heart. That seed would grow as you progressed further into the dangerous world of criminals, as your life would be put at risk over and over again. At that time, you didn't know how important Hyerin's words really were.

"Remember what I said," she told you, cupping your cheeks and looking directly into you eyes. "If you don't do as you're told I swear I'm gonna come over there and spank you with my own damn slipper-"

Taehyung came back downstairs, this time with his luggage. He saw what was happening and decided to stay quiet and wait until you had said your goodbyes.

Hyerin noticed Taehyung waiting, and patted your back as she broke the hug.

"Now go on, you crazy people. Get outta here. Let this old woman have some peace."

Taehyung giggled, and then walked up and enveloped Hyerin's small figure with his own, kissing the top of her head before resting his chin there. They were rocking back and forth slowly, as if they never wanted to separate.

Hyerin slowly leant back from him and looked him in the eyes.

"I know it's going to be hard, but promise me you'll listen to your sister. She may act like a brat, but I'm leaving her in charge." 

He opened his mouth to protest, but she lifted her finger to his mouth in a shushing motion.

"Uh-uh," she tutted, "She is 5 minutes older than you, you know. That technically gives her more authority."

Taehyung smiled weakly but nodded. "I promise I'll listen to her. Unless she asks me to clean her room or something like that."

Hyerin smiled, and wiped the tear off his cheek.

"Hey, don't cry. It's not like it's the last time you'll ever see me," she laughed causing Taehyung and you to smile.

You looked at your watch.

"Taehyung, we've got to go now, the bus'll be coming any minute," you said, turning to Hyerin. 

"Bye for now, Aunty. I love you so much and we'll be back to visit soon. Don't worry about us, we'll be absolutely fine."

Taehyung hummed in agreement, and said his "I love you"s too, before heading out the door.

Neither of you looked back as you walked down the path and out the front gate; but if you had, you would have seen the tears running down Hyerin's face as she waved goodbye, and you would have seen her sad smile and shaking hands as she closed the door.

Neither you or Taehyung knew that that would be the last time you saw your beloved nanny.

But when you think back to that day, you curse yourself for missing the silent warnings in her words.

Only Hyerin knew what was about to befall her.

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