Chapter 82: He Can... what?

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You sat outside the hospital on a bench in the garden, staring out blankly into the trees. 

You did nothing but sit mindlessly, tears dried up, until you felt a presence beside you.

You didn't need to look to know that it was Jungkook.

"I'm sorry, Noona, I didn't realise he'd done all that-"

"You don't need to apologise, Kook, it's not your fault. And don't apologise for him.... I don't want to hear any of it." You paused, letting your words sink in before continuing quietly. "I know he regrets it, but what's done is done." He's going to die anyway.

He sighed. "I just feel horrible now, that's all. He was always so good to Eomma and I, I can't believe he'd do something like this."

You faintly smiled at him. "Yeah, mafia tend to be like that. But Kook, I want you to remember him the man he was to you. Because if I hadn't brought you to see him, that's all you would've known. I don't to ruin your relationship with your father... especially when this is probably the last time you'll see him. "

He bit his lip. "Yeah... it's alright, I'm just glad I got to see him again. Thanks for bringing me here, Noona, even when you knew it'd be hard. This means the world to me."

This time you looked at him, smiling softly. "I'm glad. Now, go and see him one more time before we go, I'll wait here for you."

He shook his head. "No, it's alright. I already said bye."

You placed a hand on his shoulder. "I said go see him again. He'll be worried you don't like him because I stormed out."

Jungkook thought for a moment, before slowly nodding his head. "Okay, I guess you've got a point. I'll be back in 5 secs!"

And with that, he was gone.

You slumped back on the bench again, the smile quickly fading from your face. 

You now faced a bigger problem, one more important thing that you had to do before your burden could finally be lifted from your shoulders.

You had to find Jungkook's mother.

Surely it can't be too hard, right?

You rolled your eyes at your own pathetic attempt to comfort yourself.

After the whole failing-to-find-missing-person ordeal, you weren't exactly excited to find another missing person.

Because you were afraid you'd give Jungkook hope. If you didn't find her, for one reason or another, then it would be your fault. 

But, since you didn't want to live with that guilt, you'd just have to find her. 

You sat in silence, thinking things over in your head when another thought struck you.


You also had that problem to face. He still hadn't forgiven you for everything yet, and you didn't know how long it would take him.... or even if he could forgive you.

Sighing, you lifted your head up when you heard footsteps. Jungkook made his way over to you.

You stood up, muttering "that was quick" as you gathered yourself together before smiling at him. 

"Alright, let's go." You began to walk away, but stopped when you didn't feel him follow you. "Kook?"

Jungkook looked timid all of a sudden, and then the words quietly escaped his lips. "You're going to help me find my eomma still... right?"

You frowned slightly at his words. "Well... I'm going to find your mother... you're not going to be the one finding her."

His head shot up. "No, wait- I'm going to help finding her. I have to... I-"

You held your hand up. "Jungkook, you can't help me more than I'll let you... it's too dangerous, and I'm not putting you in danger-"

"She's my eomma," he retorted, frustrated. "And I can handle myself quite well, thankyou very much." He folded his arms, looking you directly in the eye. 

You raised an eyebrow. "I get you want to help, but I don't think you quite understand the extent of the danger even being associated with me can bring. Did you not see what happened to Yoongi-oppa?"

Jungkook set his jaw, determined. "Sehun's dead now. None of your other rivals were even close to what he is capable of doing, right? And I'll be with you, will I not? I don't see any danger here."

You pinched the bridge of your nose. "That's the problem, Jungkook. You're with me. There's only so much I can do to protect you, as I've found out recently with Yoongi-oppa. Who knows, your step-father may have connections with some dodgy people and they could have far more than fists." You paused, looking at him seriously. "No matter how good you are with your hands, once someone opens fire you're done for."

He looked away for a moment as your words sunk in. Then he spoke, his voice soft, but not weak. "What if I... can use a gun?"

You had begun to turn away, but upon hearing his words you snapped back to look at him. "What...?"

He sighed, looking at you now. "I can use a gun, noona... I'm not as weak as you think I am, I promise. I can help, please..."

You were shocked upon hearing this news. Maybe the rumours at school were true.

But he had a point. If he really wanted to help you find his mother and he had the skills to do so, you didn't really see a reason to say no. Plus, he had information and knowledge that would be useful as well. 

So you bit the bullet and made your decision. "Fine... but I'm going to assess you first."

Jungkook's face lit up. "Okay- yeah that's fine... thankyou so much, noona."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Hey, don't get too excited. This is only for this mission, and only because it's you... remember, after this, I'm quitting too."

He nodded eagerly. "Yeah, yeah. Let's just find my eomma first."

You sighed. "Okay, follow me. I'll take you to 'Blackrose's Lair'," you said dramatically, making it seem as if it weren't just a lousy old warehouse.

You both sat in the car, and as you put your seatbelt on, you said, "You know, Jungkook, you keep surprising me. I wonder what I'll learn next..." you gave him a subtle glance.

Jungkook just grinned. "Well, you never know, Noona... give me a knife and you may just learn something new."

Rolling your eyes internally, you scoffed before turning on the ignition. He's cocky now, too, huh? "Of course... knives..." you paused. "You know what? I think I'm going to do just that, you little rat. Then I'll see what you can really do."


Long time no see, guys... I'm sorry... I've been super busy with school and a whole lot of other crap I haven't really had too much time to write... holidays are coming up, though! We're nearly at the end, I promise, after such a long journey. I know this chapter isn't my best work, but it's all I've got at the moment. Please forgive me...

See you (hopefully) soon, 

~Your Author

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