Chapter 19: Regret

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You walked back towards the cafeteria in defeat. 

He's gone.

You had no idea where he'd disappeared to, but you knew he would have been out of the building by now.

You were confused most of all, but also partially amazed.

He literally just disappeared. Melted into the shadows.

Not anyone can do that. No random person pulled off the street would be able to sneak like that.

You'd had training, but even you didn't think you'd be able to sneak like that.

No only did Hoseok make virtually no noise while moving, but he was able to become invisible to the eye. 

You couldn't see him, no matter how hard you looked.

Yet you knew he was there. Because he couldn't have gone anywhere but the hallway.

Not only that, but he knew you were behind him. Because he stopped. And ran.

But how did he hear you!?

You were sure-, no, you knew you were silent as you followed him....

The only logical answer to that was that he had really sharp senses.

And to be honest, you didn't think Hoseok was that type of person.

Don't get me wrong, you knew he was intelligent. Quite smart, in fact.

But you didn't peg him to be sneaky and well aware of his surroundings. You were so used to him zoning out all the time, even though he could stay focused for long amounts of time. You didn't think he was the type of person to be a... well, thief, really.

Because he was. You didn't- couldn't... forget the fact that he raided the school's kitchen and stuffed his bag full of food. 

And you didn't know why, either.

Sweet, sweet, Hoseok..... is a criminal... and a hecking good one at that.


Eventually, you reached the cafeteria. You walked through the doors to see all 3 girls searching through the large cafeteria, checking under tables, under chairs, everything they could check under.

You glanced at the time. 12:01am.

You decided it was time to go home. Any time after that would definitely raise questions from Taehyung.

You clapped you hands, rubbing them together.

All the girls except Lisa looked up in your directions, stopping what they were doing.

Lisa was bent down under a table.

"Alright. I think we've done enough for tonight. We'll get out of here, and then-"

"Uh.... Blackrose? You may want to see this," Lisa interrupted.

You looked at her, got out from under the table, waiting for you.

When you reached the table, you looked at her quizzically. "What?"

"There's a voice recorder, right under the table where you and the boys sit," she said, gesturing under the table.

You pause for a moment, taking in the information before bending down to look for yourself.

She was right. There, right under your table, there was a little black box with an antenna, suggesting it was broadcasting live to wherever it was connected. It was like a leech stuck to the wood, sucking out every word and ounce of conversation from the table's occupants.

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