Chapter 36: Out With A Bang

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It's Sunghoon.

You looked at the paused video again. 

You couldn't believe it. Apparently, neither could Jisoo.

There was no way... no way, that that quiet, 'mind-your-own-business' guy who hung around your table all the time was OSH.

Oh..... wait... that would make sense....

Someone who seemingly minded their own business would easily be able to eavesdrop on conversations without raising suspicion.

He was in nearly all of your classes, and nobody took any notice of him. It was easy for him to avoid people, therefore he would leave no clues to his identity...

No wonder you couldn't trace him!

How could you be so blind? That was the perfect cover! If OSH pretended to be the absolute opposite of the monster he was, you wouldn't suspect him!

You facepalmed, but then quickly looked back up at the screen.... again.

You were in absolute disbelief that it was him.

You concentrated on every blurred feature of his face, trying to make yourself 100% certain it was Sunghoon. Because you still weren't quite sure. Not sure enough.

Hold on... maybe it's not him... 

The face looks enough like Sunghoon, but now the doubt was nibbling at the back of your mind.

It could be...

Your thoughts were interrupted by Jennie rushing in the door. "Sorry to interrupt," she said, panting for breath, "but we've got to go now! I think I found the code-"

You held up your hand, mind still whirring over the identity crisis of OSH. You just needed a couple of moments to process everything. You said as much under your breath, but Jennie heard and shook her head vigorously.

"No, boss, we've got to go now! We're out of time-"

This time she was cut off by the blaring sound of the alarms.

Your heads all snapped up as the deafening sirens rung in your ears.

You cursed and got up, heading towards the door immediately. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jisoo taking a quick photo of the monitor before they all blacked out. Then she followed the rest of you out the door.

You all ran through the maze of the office before finally finding the door in a panic, where Rosie and Lisa were waiting with anxious faces.

"Quick! Put the freaking code in before someone comes!" You screeched, knowing full well it was almost too late. "And put your masks on!"

They complied and you quickly exited the office, not bothering to lock the door behind you.

However, while you, and the others, expected the code to disable the alarm, the ringing didn't stop.

Your gun automatically found its way to your hand.

"Alright," you told them, "I guess we're just going to have to do this the hard way."

They nodded and as one, you ran down the hallways towards the cafeteria, where you would exit through the back door in the kitchen.

But, of course, when you got to the door, it was locked.

"What?! They must have some auto-lock system when the alarms go off!"

You looked at each other, trying to think of what to do.

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