Chapter 25: Lost and Found

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"Where have you been?"

"What were you doing?"

"What happened?"

"Why weren't you responding to my texts or calls!?"

"Did something happen?"

"Are you okay?"

"What took you so long?!"

The questions erupted from your throats as soon as you recognised Yoongi as the figure who had walked in through Jimin's front door, interrupting your game.

However, it was the interruption you were all waiting for.

Only Jin was quiet as he eyed Yoongi in worry, slowly walking over to him.

Yoongi stood still, stopped by the plethora of desperate question that were thrown at him.

He put his hand up, looking to the floor.

Everyone slowly quieted. 

"Umm... to answer your questions.... I wasssss- uh..."

"Sick. Yoongi was sick." Jin finished his sentence, and Yoongi nodded hesitantly.

"Yeah... sick..."

There was something going on between them.

You eyed them suspiciously, and Jin fiddled with his fingers nervously under your gaze. Jungkook gave them a sceptical glance before sitting back in the circle.

It didn't look like the others had bought the idea Jin and Yoongi were selling, but they chose not to broach the subject, as it seamed the two boys certainly didn't want to talk about it.

And you couldn't help but wonder why.

All you wanted to do was help them.

Yoongi seemed like he needed help.

The warnings were there. 

You didn't want to brush them off as nothing.... Hyerin was the perfect example of what can happen when warnings are ignored...

But warnings for... what, exactly?

Your mind was spinning.

You weren't willing to repeat the same mistake twice.

Yoongi had been showing up to school less and less, and you had observed that over the weeks he'd been getting skinner and paler.

Something was very wrong.

You wondered if it had something to do with the people in his household.

He didn't talk much about his personal life. 

From what he had shared when he was younger, you knew his parents didn't give him much attention. He was an only child, and spent most of his time by himself or hanging out with you and the boys.

But it had to be something to do with his parents.

And you wanted so badly to know what was going on with him.

But you couldn't really do anything about it fi he didn't let you help.

You sighed.

"Oppa.... are- well, are you feeling better now?"

You wanted to probe further, but you decided to leave it for now and maybe conduct your own investigation.

Though you didn't want to stalk him or anything....

But you would go to any means necessary if it allowed you to help him.

He was taken slightly off guard by your question. He too must have been expecting you to question his flimsy excuse.  

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