Chapter 39: Help

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You were scared.

Scared for him.

Scared because, maybe, just maybe, OSH had already done something to him.

Maybe OSH had already begun to harm your family. 

Maybe he was doing it under your radar.

But then again...

There was also the possibility that it wasn't OSH-related.

Could it be.... Jungkook's family?

Maybe it was his step-father.

Or.... the "gang-fights" he had been rumoured to get involved in?

You mentally screamed in frustration.

Why was everything so complicated?! Why is every out of control?!

You grabbed Jungkook's wrist, rather roughly, and pulled him up from his chair. You heard him yelp slightly, a mixture of pain and surprise.

Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Yoongi's concerned eyes, but ignored him as you proceeded to drag Jungkook out of the cafeteria. You didn't stop after hearing Namjoon's calls, or loosen you grip from Jungkook's wrist as he weakly tried to pry himself out of your grasp.

You only stopped once the two of you were in a quiet, private place.

Specifically, the school garden.

You let go of his wrist, turning to face him with fiery eyes.

He stared back at you, confused, nervous, and hurt. 

You were breathing heavily while closing your eyes, trying to calm yourself down.

Finally he spoke. "What was that for?"

He asked, voice strained but soft.

That was it.

You burst.

You opened your eyes, stepping forward and grabbing his cap, pulling it off his head in one, swift motion.

His tired doe eyes opened wide, and he instinctively pulled away, facing a different direction. 

But you had seen his battered face in its full glory.

"Jeon Jungkook, what in the world is this?! Huh?!"

You were sick of it.

You were sick of not knowing things.

Sick of not being able to protect your loved ones.

First, Yoongi. Then, something was wrong with Dahyun. Now, it's Jungkook.

You couldn't stand it anymore. Even if you knew you were coming off harsh right now, and possibly scaring him slightly with your sudden outburst.

He just hung his head and mumbled, "I didn't have time to cover it up this morning."

You shook your head, taking a step closer to him.

He flinched.


No, no, no, NO.

The last thing you wanted was for him to be afraid of you.

You wanted to help him.

All you wanted to do was help him.

Sighing, you took another step forward, gently enveloping him in your arms.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I came off a bit.... harsh, huh?"

You felt his body relax slightly. Jungkook took a shaky breath and sighed.

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