Chapter 73: Why Not?

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You stood outside the Red Room, a nervous Taehyung behind you. The door opened, and out came Jisoo, who didn't make eye contact. 

She stared at the ground, not sure where else to look. You didn't say anything, instead, you let her take her time. 

You knew she was worried about Taehyung telling Jin.

"Everything's ready," she said quietly, still not daring to look up. "He's waiting for you."

You nodded, turning to Taehyung. "You stay here for a few moments, I've got a few things to check before we begin." 

He nodded, and you gently opened the door before going in. 

As you left, you heard Taehyung's gentle voice. "Noona... don't worry, I won't tell Hyung. But you need to tell him at some point. Y/N can't keep it hidden forever." 

Jisoo sighed in relief. "T-thankyou, Taehyung-ah. I... I know I'll have to tell him soon, but..."

And then you were inside, with the door shut behind you. You decided you'd let them have some privacy. 

Slowly turning around, you set your eyes upon the wretched figure slouched on the infamous metal chair. 

His head was hanging low: he was unconscious. He must have tried to struggle on the way over here, otherwise he would be conscious. The wound you'd inflicted on his shoulder during your melee had not been treated overnight, and a fragile scab had begun to form over the puncture. In fact, his clothes hadn't even been changed. The blood stained, ripped fabric caused from the fight still remained.

Just seeing him, anger began to burn up inside of you. You briefly approached him to check his restraints. After seeing they were secure, you headed over to the side of the room, where Lisa, Jennie, and Rosie were standing quietly. 

But you were more nervous than you usually were. If you were being honest with yourself, you were nervous for Taehyung. He'd never been in a situation like this before, not that he could remember. You didn't know how he'd react. You were worried he'd be frightened - especially after seeing you take out your revenge. 

Because you knew you weren't yourself, and you didn't want to him to become scared of you.

Scanning your eyes over the weapons bench, you nodded to yourself. Everything was ready. There was even a bucket of water next to the bench. You'd use it to wake him up in a few moments. 

Sighing, you turned back towards the door, slowly opening it. 

Taehyung was standing across the dark hallway, and his head shot up when he saw you.

You could see he was nervous, and you gently smiled, stepping back to let him enter. 

"Welcome to the Red Room, Tae," you said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood.

But he didn't laugh. Instead, he stood stock still, eyes locked on Sehun. There was a burning pain behind them, a whirlwind of indescribable emotion.

Seeing he wasn't moving, you walked over to the bench and lifted the bucket of water. You began to walk towards Sehun, but you paused about halfway over. "Do you want to do the honours, or shall I?" You asked, instantly snapping him out of his thoughts. 

"Uh- you do it, go on... where do I...?" he trailed off, obviously unsure about what he was to do now.

You noticed Taehyung's fists were clenched at his sides, his jaw firm, though he didn't sound as if he were angry. You shrugged at him. "I dunno... go over to the other girls and wait there until I'm ready. Grab something to use while you're there, too. It'll get you in the right headspace for... later."

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