Chapter 74: Releasing The Beast

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Sehun obviously wasn't prepared for the bold reply. He'd never seen this side of Taehyung before. He'd only ever known the childish, playful Taehyung, who occasionally got a bit over-protective of you.

To be fair... you'd never really seen this side of Taehyung.

But he quickly recovered, and tried not to show his surprise. Sehun laughed at him.

Taehyung seemed a little taken aback. You knew he wasn't sure what to do next. 

Sehun continued to laugh, and it only made you angrier. After what seemed like forever, he finally calmed himself down.

"Oh... oh that's so funny, Taehyung," he said, blinking the tears from his eyes, as he wasn't able to wipe them with his hands. 

"What's so funny?" Taehyung shot back, fire burning through his eyes once more.

"You- you think you can destroy me?"

Taehyung gazed at Sehun, a quizzical look in his eye. "What..."

Sehun cut him off, his aura suddenly stony, harsh. "You're too weak, Taehyung. You couldn't hurt a fly even if you wanted to."

Taehyung frowned, about to interject, but Sehun cut him off again. 

"There's a reason your own twin never told you the truth about your past. Because you'd crumple at the thought. No wonder she became the one protecting you - you're too weak, too pathetic to do it yourself." 

You were about to step in, but you didn't need to.

Taehyung had had enough. 

With one, sweeping motion, Taehyung punched the man in the chair hard across the face. 

"You. Know. Nothing. About me, or my life." Taehyung spat, seething.

You widened your eyes, still not used to seeing Taehyung this way. But then you smirked. 

It was just beginning. 

Sehun's head was thrown to the side with the force of the blow, and you could tell he wasn't expecting Taehyung to actually hit him.

But Taehyung was a fighter, and you knew it, though he didn't. You'd seen him, trained with him, when the two of you were younger. It would come back to him slowly, along with his memories. 

"I may not be able to hurt a fly," Taehyung continued, his voice emotionless. "But you're a monster. You- you don't deserve mercy. You killed my family ruthlessly, and you've been right there the entire time, without us knowing... I don't think you quite understand just how angry that makes me. Right now, I think I'm capable of doing just about anything." 

Sehun stretched his jaw, wincing slightly as he turned back to face Taehyung again. "Oh yeah?" He dared. "Kill me then."

Taehyung paused for a moment, then shrugged and walked off into the darkness, grabbing your wrist as he went.

You glanced back at Sehun once more before following him out. "You okay?"

He nodded, expressionless. "What's... what's the most painful... torture device?" He asked quietly. 

You smirked. "Ah.... yes. Come." You led him to the bench covered with your weapons. "It depends. Knives are always a good option, but I personally like this baby," you said, lifting up your heavily dented baseball bat. "You can shatter bones with this one if you hit hard enough."

He gazed over the bat, eyes glittering dangerously. They didn't look like Taehyung's eyes anymore. He was almost unrecognisable.

He nodded slowly, taking it from your hands and shifting the weight between his own. "Okay."

You held your hand up. "But," you interjected, stopping him. "If you want it to be more... torturous... I'd go with the knives first. Then the bat afterwards to top it all off."

"How many people have you killed?" He asked suddenly. 

You took a deep breath, thinking for a moment. You were surprised by his question, because, personally, you didn't think that mattered too much right now. "Uh... a lot? But only the bad ones..."

He nodded silently. "I don't think I'll be able to kill him, though. I can injure him, but I don't think I can kill him. You'll have to finish him off... No matter who it is, I don't think I could deal with knowing I killed someone."

You hummed understandingly. "Sure. It would be my pleasure. Now, grab a knife, and let's go."

Complying to your words the two of you walked back over to Sehun, who didn't let his eyes leave the two of you for a moment. 

Wordlessly, Taehyung walked up it him, fingering the knife curiously. "Now," he said, seemingly ignoring Sehun. "What should I do with this?"

Sehun didn't reply. He knew what was coming. 

"Oh, I'm not sure, Tae. Whatever you like," you taunted, playing along. 

"So should I just..." trailing off, Taehyung stabbed the knife harshly into the wound you had made in Sehun's shoulder yesterday. 

Ouch. Even I don't know if I'd start with that.

Sehun screamed loudly, throwing his head back violently, eyes  squinted in pain. Taehyung's locks had fallen over his eyes, and he gazed threateningly into Sehun's soul. He didn't look once at the wound, and instead, held the knife firmly there, before giving it a harsh twist. 

Sehun screamed again, tears already beginning to form at the corners of his eyes, sweat lacing his skin. Taehyung didn't wait long before yanking the knife out, now turning his attention to the blood quickly filling the wound and dripping off his knife. 

He stood there for a moment, not quite comprehending what he'd done. Sehun was in too much pain to watch him, but you noticed Taehyung lift his hand to his head, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. 

He must be remembering again. 

You quietly walked up to Taehyung his other arm gently. He flinched, opening his eyes again, then relaxing when he realised it was just you. "Take his shirt off, Tae, it'll make things easier. Trust me."

He nodded and stepped forward, ripping the remained of the already torn fabric off Sehun's body.

Similarly to Suho, Sehun had an ink-covered chest, and you noticed that there were a few similarities in the designs.

Must be a gang tattoo.

Taehyung scanned his eyes over Sehun's chest, smirking evilly, seemingly forgetting about the splitting headache he'd experienced just moments ago. Slowly, he brought the knife to Sehun's sternum. 

"W-wait... T-Taehyung... I-" Sehun rasped, trying to get his breath back.

"Oh Sehun... I haven't even started. You don't even know what I feel like doing to you right now... I don't even know what I'm capable of doing right now, but I can assure you the worst is yet to come."

"Y-yes, but..." He trailed off as Taehyung pressed the tip of the knife into his skin. 

And then, the Sehun's tortured screams filled the room once more.


Hi guys! I officially have less than a week of exams left, so I may be able to give you a chapter next week... unfortunately I have 6 exams over the course of four days though, so I'm about to be even busier. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I know it's really crap, but I wanted to get something out for you guys though my brain is absolutely fried.... I apologise for all the mistakes...

Thanks for the support!!

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