Chapter 12: One Step Closer

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How does he know?!

You feet were glued to the ground, your eyes wide in shock.

Not only were you shocked. That seed of fear that was planted in your heart 2 years ago? It suddenly bloomed flowers.

Seconds passed, and you were still frozen. You didn't know what to do, or say, for that matter.

Despite the agonising pain he felt throughout his whole body, Suho managed to let out a low chuckle.

You snapped back into reality. I can't believe he has the audacity to chuckle at the moment.

A low growl was emitted from the back of your throat.

Glancing quickly at the girls, you sighed in relief. They looked confused at your actions, but you concluded that there was no possible way they could have heard him say your name. You barely heard it yourself.

You turned you attention back to Suho. The man who knew your real name.

You stepped towards his figure, a bloody lump of flesh tied to a chair.

You wrapped your hand around his neck, lifting him slightly, causing him to let out a small grunt as he gasped for air.

You lowered your voice, so only he could hear you.

"How does-... how many others know?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but instead let out a wheeze. You nearly smiled as you realised he couldn't breathe, and you took some of the pressure away from his windpipe.

He took some heavy breaths in, then answered your question. 

"S- I mean, m-my... brother..."

Your heart dropped. 

But then again, what did you expect? At this point, anything was possible. Everything you had previously shrugged of and deemed impossible had happened. Your nightmares had become reality. Anything was possible.... you didn't have as much control on the world around you as you thought you did. It was like sand, slipping through your fingers.

"Your brother.... OSH.... knows that Blackrose is... Lim Y/N?"

He managed to nod his head.

You left his neck, straightening up and running your hands frustratedly through your hair.

"Only him?"

A pause.

"A-and.... my a-appa", he croaked.

Your head whipped around. No way...

"Your dad's still alive!?"

You thought he'd died ages ago. You thought your parent's gang had taken care of him. But looks like they'd made their own choices. Of course... those power-hungry scumbags.

But Suho just looked at the floor. He seemed to have caught his breath a little, and was able to speak a bit more clearly.

"I don't even know w-why I'm telling you this, but..." He paused. "He was diagnosed with c-cancer 2 years ago. Stopped taking medication last year, so now he's laying on his deathbed."

If he had expected sympathy from you, he didn't get it. You simply nodded and started pacing side to side.

So that's how he knew, you thought. His dad probably told him and his brother to wipe me out. To finish the job.

It made sense. Slowly, you were managing to put the pieces together. Although it made you feel more at ease, it didn't make you feel better. While you had one of the people who knew here, there was still someone else out there who knows. And you had no control over the people he tells. That fact wouldn't help you fall asleep tonight at all. You'd be anxious about it until you eliminated the one who knew. 

But there was still one thing bothering you.

"How were you able to recognise me by my face?"

He looked back up at you.

"My brother showed me photos", was his reply.

Now that got your interest. No one had any photos of you, at least, no photos which proved you were Lim Y/N. Because no one knew that. As far as you were concerned, every record of "Lim Y/N"'s existence had been wiped out. There were photos of you as Kim Y/N, and even a couple of Blackrose, but none as Lim Y/N. Your split identities had never crossed paths, never mixed lives, and you made sure of that.

But he was still able to recognise you as Lim Y/N.

You remembered his broken whisper from just a moment ago. 

"K-Kim... no, L-Lim... Y/N...."

So that meant he knew both of your identities. Meaning he would have been introduced to you by the name of "Kim", then as "Lim".

So him, or his brother, must know me outside of the criminal world.

"Where did he get that photo?" You asked him, still keeping your voice low so the girls couldn't hear you.

Suho gave you a weak smirk.

"I bet you thought you were slick, huh? He caught you sneaking out of class-" He stopped himself, eyes widening as he realised what words had left his mouth.

You opened your mouth slightly. He goes to my school. He goes to my school. He goes to my SCHOOL.

You closed your mouth, poking your inner cheek with your tongue. You stopped pacing, and sat into your right hip, folding your arms over your chest.

"He goes to my school?"

You saw him gulp nervously. 

"Anything else you'd like to let slip? Which year he's in, perhaps? His bank account number? What about his dog's name?"

He stayed silent for a moment, and then shook his head.

Then in a small voice; "Please just kill me already."

You pondered over his words, pouting slightly.

"I would.... but.... I'm not quite done with you. I don't think you're gonna give me anymore information.... so..."

Without warning, you slammed the bat that was still hanging in your right hand straight into his knee cap, knocking it out of place.

Suho let out a small scream, but then fell silent.

"There. Now I'm done with you."

You turned your back to him, folding your hands behind your back.

"Since you've been a good boy, I'll only leave you here for 2 hours before I order Jennie to kill you. During that time, if you feel talkative, get Jennie to call me, and I'll kill you earlier if I deem your information useful."

You turned you head to the side. "Thankyou, my dearest Suho, for your cooperation."

With that, you walked into the shadows.

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