Chapter 17: Eyes and Ears Everywhere

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You walked down the dark hallways of your school and into the cafeteria, spotting three dark shadows gathered around a table, murmuring quietly while waiting for you.

You frowned. 

Shouldn't there be four of them?

Lisa stopped talking, turning around to face you as she heard your footsteps approaching.

Before she could speak, you asked, "Where's Jisoo?"

"She had to go home. Said her brother was nagging and insisted she was there for dinner."

Your eyebrows scrunched together, and you nodded slightly. "Yeah, okay. He can tend to be that way sometimes I guess. Well then, I guess it's just gonna be us tonight then."

You looked at the other girls, rubbing your hands together. "Alright. There's no time to lose. Rosie, you're on lookout. Walk the hallways, check the library, make sure everyone is out of the building. If you find someone, stay hidden, make sure they don't see you. Shadow them, and warn us via-" you pulled some earpieces out of your pocket, and gave one to each of the girls. "-these earpieces. That way we can stay in contact."

She nodded, taking the earpiece from you and putting it on. She bowed at you before disappearing into the darkness.

You looked back at Jennie and Lisa. "Lisa, you check lockers. Make sure you don't miss anything. Go through every locker, snap the locks if you have to, and take your time. Tonight is all about being thorough. Let me know immediately if you find anything."

She bowed towards you, and just like Rosie, she melted into the shadows.

You took in a deep breath, and turned back to Jennie. "You're with me. We're going to check storage cupboards, the library, classrooms, as much space as we can cover. I can't afford to come out of tonight with nothing."

She nodded. "Got it. Let's go."

No more words were exchanged between the two of you as you walked out of the cafeteria towards the library.

As soon as you entered the library, you and Jennie split up automatically. You sifted through the bookshelves, checking between and on top of each book.

It was time-consuming, that was for sure. There were thousands of books in the library, and you only had a couple hours. 

But to you, there was nothing more important than tonight. You had to find some lead on who OSH was.

So, you didn't give up.

You looked through the shelves, but it was as if you were searching for fur on a snake. 

Somewhere deep inside you, you knew your efforts were futile, and you didn't have the time you wished you had.

Sighing, you stepped back, looking over the bookshelves, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. 

But to no avail. 

There were just books.

Shelves full of books.

You scanned over the other bookshelves before walking over to the tables, checking beneath them running your hands on the underside of the wood.


After around half an hour of searching the same spots in the library over and over again, you called Jennie over.

"Alright. Let's move on. We've wrung the library dry. Let's go to the-" You paused, thinking. "On second thoughts, let's go to my locker for a sec. I wanna see something."

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