Chapter 21: The Predator and The Prey

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You hadn't been at home most of the week. 

You'd been going to your warehouse almost every day, trying to track down OSH and dig up anymore clues that might give you a hint as to who he was.

You hadn't seen Taehyung much at all, he'd been away from home whenever you arrived at night.

The only time you got to see him was in the morning before school and briefly at lunch, before he would disappear into the depths of the library.

Which was weird. 

Taehyung wasn't known as a person who studies heaps.

You knew he was mad about the whole birthday ordeal, but you didn't know he was that mad.

Even though he had every right to be. Especially because he hadn't seen you for much of the week at all.

Despite the seemingly dim situation, Saturday eventually came around as the week droned by.

And you made sure that everything was sorted at your headquarters so that you could spend some time with them tonight.

This time you made sure it would be uninterrupted.

You sat quietly in your car, waiting for Taehyung to come out the door and join you

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You sat quietly in your car, waiting for Taehyung to come out the door and join you. You glanced at your watch. 

You were nearly running late, and you groaned internally. Usually you were the one making Taehyung late, but this time it was the other way around.

What could possibly be taking him so long?

Just as the thought entered your mind, you looked up and saw Taehyung locking the front door and walking down the steps. He didn't even look towards the car as he made his way down the small path, his eyes trained to his phone.

You raised an eyebrow.

He got in the front seat of the car, not even glancing at you.

After a few moments of silence, he felt your stare on him, and looked up.

"What are you looking at? Drive."

His deep voice snapped your attention back to the present, sending an unfamiliar shiver down your spine. He just focused his attention back on his phone, crossing his arms.

What the heck just happened??!

Like, you knew that Taehyung wasn't going to always be your friend, and he was going to be rude to you and disagree with you. He was going to provoke you and annoy you until his last breath.

That's just what siblings do.

But now?

He was acting like a spoilt teenager! A bratty, good-for-nothing teenager! He's 20, for crying out loud!

You were astounded. 

Well, you knew he was mad at you. But that didn't give him any right to disrespect you.

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