Chapter 5: A Mole

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Enraged, you pulled out your gun, firing straight at the camera.


The obliterated remains of the camera fell softly to the carpet.

You quietly put the gun back in its holster.

Well, now the camera is gone.

Suddenly the door flew open, and Jisoo, Jennie and Rosie came rushing in.

"Is everything okay?" That was Jennie.

"What happened?" Rosie now.

"Why was there are gun shot?!" Jisoo looked around the room frantically, her eyes scanning over you and Lisa, searching for injury.

You sighed.

"Girls, calm down. Everyone's fine." You gestured to the remains of the camera. "I just found a damn camera in my office... which would explain a lot of things."

They all looked at the broken pieces of the camera, and then back at you, eyes wide. 

Jisoo went over and examined the camera, picking it up. She seemed to be looking for something.

"This... I might know who this is", she finally said, picking it up. "Or who it's from anyway. He always uses the same cameras, every time, without fail."

That sparked your interest. 

Jisoo, being the main hacker/detective in the gang, was quite knowledgeable when it came to technology. She was incredibly smart, and was able to store massive amounts of information in her brain for long periods of time, and this information always proved useful at just the right times.

Like right now.

She looked at you, then the other girls. You all waited for her to continue.

"It's OSH."

The moment the words came out of her mouth, your jaw clenched, and a low growl escaped your throat.

You looked up at the other girls, who looked just as furious as you did.

As mad as you were, you didn't expect anything else. Of course it would be OSH. He was your enemy, after all. Him and his gang were just below you, and were fighting to defeat you and take the number one spot in the mafia world.

But you were his enemy for other reasons. 

You wanted revenge.

You slammed your fist on the table, finally letting your questions burst.

"How the heck did that camera get in here?! No one is allowed in my office when I'm not here, am I right? So who, and how, did someone put that damn thing in here?!"

The girls were silent. 

To be totally honest, you didn't expect them to be able to answer your questions. You just needed a release from the rage boiling inside you, and this was the way you usually let it go.

They knew that when you started yelling like this the best thing for them to do was to stay silent and just listen.

Standing up, you continued.

"The damn security in this place! I thought I hired and trained the best guards in Seoul! Can't they be useful!? Not only that, but we have no idea how long that stupid camera has been there? AND it had a MICROPHONE! Everything that has been discussed in here for the past couple months could be with our enemy for heaven's sake! There's no way! There's just no fricking way that.... I- no, it can't be. Our- no... I- I just..."

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