Chapter 52: One More Chance

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"Unnie,  do you think you could trace a phone call for me?" You asked, sitting down at your desk.

Jisoo raised her eyebrows.

"You got a call from Yoongi oppa?"

Man, it's crazy how she knows exactly what I'm talking about without me even mentioning it.

"Well, yes, earlier today. Right before we left for Sunghoon's place and found out we had the wrong guy. He called me, but hung up as soon as I answered," you replied, hoping she would be able to help you.

Although, Jisoo seemed to be contemplating your request, and it wasn't the reaction you were hoping for. 

After a moment's more thought, she finally asked, "How quickly did he hang up?"

Aahhh.... right.

If the phone didn't connect to the line long enough, you wouldn't be able to get a location and trace the phone.

And that would mean the only thing that could give you a lead on his whereabouts would be gone.

You just really had to hope that Yoongi had given it enough time before hanging up.

Sighing heavily, you grimaced, worriedly glancing at Jisoo. "Hopefully not quickly enough... barely more than one second, though, I would think."

Jisoo cocked her head to the side, her eyes wandering up to the ceiling. "Well, I'll give it a shot. You never know, maybe we'll hit the jackpot and be able to get him out of there sooner than we thought."

Giving her a faint smile, you rose from your desk. "I'll leave you to it then. I should get back to Jungkook and Taehyung before they destroy my poor house."

She drew her attention back to you after hearing your words. "Jungkook? What's he doing at your place?"

Again, you sighed. "Family issues," is all you said, before another thought popped into your head. "Oh, how long do you think it'll take to get that location?"

"Well, I'll go home and do it on my computer, if you lend me your phone for the night. So Oppa doesn't get suspicious. But it should be done by tomorrow morning and I can meet you back here at... 4am?"

You thought for a moment.

On seeing your hesitation, Jisoo jumped in again. "I can make it later if you like, I'd just rather-"

"No, four's good. See you then. Oh, and if anything changes, just call Taehyung on my phone or something and just tell him to put me on."

She nodded, and began to walk towards the door. However, she stopped and turned once more before leaving. "... Is there anything else?"

Smiling, you stood and walked towards her, placing your hand on the small of her back as you both exited your office. "No, unnie," you assured her, "Thankyou so much, I really appreciate this."

She jokingly turned to you and put her hands on her hips, an angry pout on her lips. "I'm not doing this for you, you know, I'm doing it for Yoongi." 

You giggled and shook your head, striding in front of her, saying, "Well, I guess we're not friends anymore!!"

You heard her laugh, then footsteps rapidly approaching you from behind as she ran a little to catch up with you.

Then you felt her hand wrap around your waist as she leant her head on your shoulder. Her voice was soft, this time serious. "It's okay, Y/N, I'd do anything for my loved ones. You and Oppa both included on that list. And, everything will be just fine, including Oppa. He'll be safe and sound when we find him, just don't worry too much."

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