Chapter 3: Like the Old Days

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Oh no.

And then, Hoseok faltered. 

First, it was a muffled snort. But after that, everything went downhill.

As soon as Hoseok locked eyes with Jin, you knew it was over.

The two burst into fits of laughter, causing you to nearly choke on air.

Soon everyone joined in, leaving Taehyung and Jimin to lower their heads in embarrassment and return to the seats either side of you.

You laughed so hard that tears leaked from your eyes and rolled down your cheeks. Hoseok was in a similar state, and Jin's windshield-wiper laugh filled the cafeteria. Yoongi managed to crack his almighty gummy smile, and Namjoon's dimples were as prominent as ever. Jungkook and Nayeon's bunny teeth were in full display, and Dahyun's eyes were shining with pure joy.

The laughter was so contagious that even Jimin and Taehyung couldn't stop themselves from smiling.

Once again, everyone was in good spirits.

Then the bell rang.

Slowly, the laughing faded. 

Groaning in annoyance, you got up, causing Taehyung and Jimin to do the same. Then, as one big mass of trouble, you all walked out of the cafeteria.

As you all left in separate directions for your classes, you heard Jin call out, "See you guys at my place tonight!"


The sleepover.

You nearly forgot. I mean, it wouldn't have been the first time. You had so much on your mind these days, narrowly escaping death and all, that you'd forgotten.

And you couldn't risk missing another one. You'd missed too many. And the fact that you'd been returning home late at night and going out more and more often for missions didn't help. 

It was too suspicious. Not only were you afraid of them finding out, but you really didn't want to miss another one.

You wanted to be there, because it was where you felt the most alive.

So, you decided that you wouldn't miss this one. You would go.

Even if it meant you had to leave while they were sleeping.

You'd done it multiple times before.

Leave when they were asleep, return before they woke up.


It had never harmed anyone, and no one had ever found out.

Why would it be any different this time?

Why would it be any different this time?

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Finally, it was time for the sleepover. You were so excited. As you and Taehyung pulled up to the front of Jin's house, you could already hear the boys causing chaos inside. 

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