Chapter 83: Rule Number One

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For the second time ever, your men at the warehouse watched curiously as you strode through the corridors with yet another unnamed man. 

You headed straight towards your private training rooms, as none of your men, other than those you trained with, had access to them. Which meant no one would see Jungkook's unmasked face.

You had informed Blackpink about your coming, and Soobin had made sure the rooms were stocked with the necessary weapons. 

When you finally found yourself at the door, you leaned down so you were at eye level with the retinal scanner. 

"Wow, this place really is secure, huh?" Jungkook commented quietly behind you.

You just scoffed as the door clicked open and you stepped inside. "What did you expect, Jungkook?"

He shrugged as he followed you in. "I dunno," he said, mumbling. 

You let Jungkook explore the range of weapons at one side of the room while you got yourself ready. You quickly changed into the combat gear that stayed in your personal locker, and then turned to face Jungkook. 

"Okay, first up, hand-to-hand." 

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. 

You tossed your head to the side, indicating the boxing ring on the opposite side of the room. "C'mon, we don't have all day."

Jungkook slowly followed you towards the ring. "You... you want me to fight you?" He asked unsurely. 

"Yep," you simply replied, hopping over the ropes that would soon cage you in. "I said I wanted to see what you've got, did I not?"

"I thought you were going to have me fight someone else..." he trailed off.

"Well, you thought wrong," you said stoutly. "Chop chop, get a move on, bunny boy."

He sighed and reluctantly climbed into the ring after removing his hoodie. You quickly glanced over his body, searching for any bruises or nicks on his body that you would avoid. 

However, since he'd been staying away from his step father for a few weeks, he seemed to be all healed up. 

When he was ready, the two of began to slowly circle one another. 

You carefully watched his stance as he moved, and how his arms dangled loosely at his sides, his eyes squinted slightly as he watched you.

He knows what he's doing

That was the first thought that struck you. Jungkook did know how to fight, and just by watching him, you knew he'd be good at it. Potentially, even, a dangerous enemy.

But you knew he was still wary of you. You knew he didn't want to hurt you. 

And you had to let him know you meant business. 

So, suddenly, you leapt forward, sending a kick straight to his stomach, catching him off guard. 

The instant you made contact, you jumped back, dancing on your toes. 

His eyes widened as he buckled under the power of your short kick, and he sucked in a deep breath as he jumped backward slightly; but not once did his eyes leave you.

And he remained vigilant. He knew how to fight, and he couldn't let your sudden attack phase him. 

If this was a real fight, one distraction or lapse of concentration could be one's undoing. 

As you watched him, you saw something click in his eyes, and you knew that he would actually try now. As in, not be so scared of hitting you.

Not even a moment after you recognised his shift in attitude, he was sending a hook to the jaw your way.

You easily ducked it, and sent him another jab to his gut, this time with your fist. 

A small whoof scaped his mouth before you caught a glimpse of a fist heading for your head once more.

This time, you couldn't escape it completely, and as you moved your head back, his fist clipped your nose on the way through.


You jumped back again, swiftly sending a left hook to his chin, only for your fist to be caught in a large hand. 

Not wasting any time, your spun yourself so that you were face to face with his broad back, your arm around his neck, holding him in a chokehold. 

Both his hands were now gripped around your arms, trying to pull them loose. You used a leg to kick the backs of his knees, and simultaneously, as his legs buckled under him, you leant all your bodyweight back, bringing him to the floor on top of you. Without waiting for him to realise what had happened, you quickly grabbed the small knife from you boot and brought it to his throat. 

Jungkook's eyes widened at the sight of the small blade. "I thought this was a fist-"

"Rule number one. Always be prepared for your opponent to fight dirty. Especially if that opponent is a mafia. They're not looking to be fair. They're looking to kill you," you said, slowly releasing him once the message had sunk in.

He nodded, breathing lightly, obviously surprised the fight had ended that quickly. "I didn't have a weapon, though," he mumbled, pouting slightly. 

"And you won't always have a weapon, princess," you replied curtly. "Life isn't always fair, but if you're in a situation like that, you need to know how to get out of it," you paused, frowning slightly at your own words. "Well, in a situation like that-" you corrected, "-you can't really get out of it without your throat being slit, so I suppose, more accurately, you need to know how to not get in it in the first place."

The hours passed as the afternoon flew by. You taught Jungkook different manoeuvres regarding knives and other melee weapons, and how to defend himself against people who have less-than-ideal desires when it regarded his life. Jungkook was a  quick learner, and he picked up the little things you suggested to him about his technique and mindset when fighting. 

When it came to his gun skills, you were quite impressed with what he'd already learnt: his technique was quite good, especially for a beginner, and his aim was also commendable.

But no matter how much you pressed, and he refused to tell you how he had learnt how to use a gun. The only answer he would give you was that he'd taught himself. 

You wouldn't believe him though... there was no way he could learn such good technique by teaching himself. 

Even if he was Jungkook, who, more now than ever, had proven to you he was just good at everything. 

As the day came to an end, Jungkook watched you with hopeful, tired eyes as you packed up the training room.

As you headed for the door, you heard a voice call, "So can I help you, noona?"

You smiled slightly with your back facing him. 

"Alright, Kook, you can help me." Then, as an afterthought, you added. "We'll find your eomma.... together."


Hi guys, sorry again for the wait. Just letting you guys know I won't be here next week as I'm going away... I'll try to write something before/while I'm away, but I don't know if I'll have reception to post. Sorry this took so long. I'm trying to think of a way to end the book, and I'm struggling to figure it out... I know I've got to tie up a few loose ends, but I feel like I'm swimming in mud at the moment... I'm trying my best to come up with something, I promise!!

Thanks for all your support, guys, and see you next time!!

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