Chapter 67: The Lims

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Silence met your words. 

You didn't want to rush on with what you had to tell him... you not only wanted your words to sink in, but you didn't want it to seem like you were blundering through your story as if it were your final alibi - even though, in a way, it was. You wanted to be raw, vulnerable with him.

Glancing up, you skeptically looked at his face. Yoongi had no expression, but his eyes were locked on you.

"Lims...? What do you mean?" He asked, sounding confused. 

"We're Lims.... as in our parents were Kyo Haerin and Lim Seongmin... the Lims..."

His eyes widened as the realisation finally hit him. "You're... you and Taehyung- your parents are... the Shadowscar?! As in... the legendary Shadowscar?!" Though his voice was weak, it began to rise in pitch as he became more and more shocked by the news.

You simply sighed and nodded. 

"Oh my- does anybody else know about this? Is this why you're- wait, no, I'll listen, continue," he said, quickly retracing his steps. You smiled internally, knowing he was extra-curious now.

"A couple others know, I'll tell you who they are later. And, because I know what you were about to ask, yes, they are the reason I'm a... mafia. Indirectly- well, kind of directly? Anyway, I'll just start from the beginning.

Taehyung and I started training to become mafia at about... well, I don't really remember. It was when we were that young. What I do know for sure is that we knew how to shoot a gun, use knives, engage in one-on-one combat, and sneak around before Bangtan began."

His eyebrows shot up. "That would have been before you were-" he thought for a moment- "Seven. You and Taehyung, and Jimin, would have been seven when we met.... that's young..."

You shrugged your shoulders. "What else would you expect from the children, the first and only heirs to the mafia throne? Anyway... because our parents were Shadowscar, the most dangerous mafias, they were never around. They'd leave early in the morning and get back home late at night, when we were in bed already. And if they came back halfway through the day, it was only for a moment, and they would be covered in blood, hardly spare us a glance other than a quick tap on the back or nod, before they'd be straight out the door again. So, we didn't really... have a relationship.

"Even in my early childhood, I don't ever remember seeing them much.... instead, they hired a nanny, who was with us our entire childhood - Lee Hyerin. She was more of a mother to us than our biological mother. When, if, we were with our parents, we were training. Shooting targets. Shooting moving manikins. Stabbing dummies. Fighting against our parents..."

You paused for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Taehyung.... he was better than me. He was so quick, so strong, so smart... for a seven-year-old. That's why he was named the heir. Not because he was the male... our parents weren't sticklers when it came to the tradition of the man inheriting the family business... it was just clear Taehyung was better than me. I was sluggish, not strong with my strikes... however, I must say, I was a beast with the gun. It's always been my strong suit.... not that I was much better than Taehyung in that area, either...

"I guess it just came down to the fact that I didn't want to do it. I didn't like being violent, much of that came from Hyerin, but I did it because Taehyung was. He actually enjoyed it.... probably because he was so good. And because of the smile on our parents face, the only time they smiled, when we did something good. Something they could be proud of."

Yoongi was listening quietly, taking in every word you said. You sighed before continuing. 

"A couple more years went by like this, until one day, our parents came home with a smile on their face. Something Taehyung and I had never really seen before. My father had swept me up in his arms, giving me a tight hug. Mum did the same with Taehyung. When they put us down, they had tears in their eyes. 'We've finally defeated the Jeons,' they said. The Jeons, at that time, were their biggest rival, and, though we didn't know it, they were the only reason our parents were continuing their mafia business." You paused for a moment, remembering the moment.

At that time, you had thought that maybe, finally, you would be able to have parents. Because now, maybe they would be able to spend time with you and Taehyung. 

"Well, the thought that maybe I would have my parents back was... just too good to be true. A few, blissful weeks passed - our parents took us to the park, shopping, to the cinemas... we were finally a family. But.... turns out it was too good to be true. Because the next day, they never came back. I remember it vividly..."


"Taehyung~~!! It's mine! Give it back!" Your nine-year-old self yelled, on the brink of throwing a tantrum. 

Taehyung's little face contorted in confusion, and he looked down at the doll in his hand. "No, eomma bought it for me, not you.... she said so!"

You shook your head vigorously. Seeing he wasn't about to give it back to you, you launched yourself at him, tackling him. 

He yelped in surprise, then quickly flipped the two of you over, positioning himself above you, pinning you to the ground. "Not so fast, Bambi. It's mine." 

You grimaced, squirming beneath him in the hope to escape. "This isn't fair~" you whined, tears beginning to brim around your eyes. "I want-"

The door suddenly opened, and the two of your snapped your heads towards the doorway.

Only to see Hyerin standing there, her eyes filled with tears. Looking at the two of you, she sadly smiled and opened her arms. "Come here, you two."

Immediately responding to her soft voice, you stopped fighting, and Taehyung rose from his position, throwing the doll on the floor to run into her arms. You followed him, and in just a few moments, Hyerin's sobs echoed through the room.

When she had finally calmed down a little, she released you both from the hug, kneeling so she was at your level. "I have something to tell you two... it's..."

You looked at her, your little hand cupping her cheek, wiping away a tear that was slipping delicately down it. "Just say it, Aunty, it's okay, we understand."

She lifted her head to look at the both of you. "Y/N, Taehyung.... your parents won't be coming back again... they- they were... killed in a confrontation today."

It took a few moments before the words struck you. They're gone. They're dead.

"Oh," you said. It was all you could say. Taehyung didn't say anything. 

"I'm sorry, guys," Hyerin said, looking down.

"But... will you still stay with us?" Taehyung asked, his voice almost shaky at the thought to Hyerin leaving you.

She quickly looked up again, bringing the two of you into her arms again. "Of course, I'll always be with you."

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