Chapter 14: A Needle In A Haystack

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The weekend passed by in a flash, and before you knew it, you were once again sitting in the classroom, letting the lesson pass through one ear and out the other.

You had too many things to think about, and you couldn't concentrate for even one second.

There was only one thing that was occupying your mind.

OSH goes to my school.

For all you knew, he could be sitting in the very room you were in.

The son of your family's murderer; in the same vicinity as you.... and the boys.

A shiver ran down your spine.

It's alright, Y/N, you told yourself. All you have to do is find out who it is, without them finding out you're looking for them.

Easier said than done.

Nonetheless, you subtly scanned the room. 

You always sat at the back of the classroom, so you didn't have to turn around to see anyone's faces.

You started with the front row.

Choi Chunghee. Song Hajin. Lee Jeongmin. Park Hyunkyo. Lim Juyoung.

You assessed their body language, trying to spot something suspicious. Although, with the state your mind was currently in, you wouldn't be able to confidently discern whether or not they were an enemy. You wouldn't be able to do that just by looking at them once.

But you ignored that fact. You wanted to feel as if you were doing something; because after copping such a big blow on the weekend and feeling utterly helpless, you couldn't stand to be in school when you could be doing something.

Even though you knew that school was exactly where you needed to be.

The five students in the front row were... well, they were listening to the lesson. They were probably here to do what every student is supposed to do; learn.

You sighed, focusing your attention on the next row.

Min Sawook. Han Sunghoon. Gye Bun-ok. Jisoo and Jennie.

Once again, they were all paying attention to the lesson. Except for Jisoo and Jennie, who were clearly having a nice little conversation and glancing back at you from time to time. Bun-ok appeared to be sleeping.

You glanced over the row in front of you.

Kim Hyeryong. Oh Sehun. Kang Soojin. Lisa and Rosie.

Shaking your head, you slumped over the front of your desk.

What am I even doing? You thought. This is pointless.

You didn't know what you were expecting to see... maybe a gun sitting on someone's desk?

You were going crazy. Mixed emotions were overwhelming you. Never had you been this emotionally unstable. 

The only things- no the only people you cared for were in danger. And you couldn't do anything about it.

But somehow, you had to find out who this person was. Who was the wolf in sheep's clothing?


Kim Y/N.

Wait, no- what? Who's the-

Kim Y/N!

You shook your head aggressively. Snap out of it, stupid! It's someone else, it's not-

"KIM Y/N!"

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