Chapter 78: Confrontations

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You stood silently in the room with Yoongi and Taehyung, waiting for the rest of the boys to arrive.

They could tell you were nervous.

Heck, I'm more than just nervous.

You were terrified. 

Taehyung comfortingly rubbed your back. "It'll be alright... to be totally, honest, I still haven't quite come to terms with all this yet, but no matter what happens, I've got your back, Bambi, don't worry."

You nodded distractedly. 

Yeah, 'don't worry'. Easy for you to say.

"He's right, you know," Yoongi piped up. "We've got your back."

Then, there was a gentle knock on the door, before it opened slightly. A nurse popped her head in. "5 visitors for Special Ward 7?"

You nodded, heart pounding in your chest. "Let them in," you said quietly. 

You took a deep breath as the door opened fully. 

It all happened at once. 

"Hyung!" and "Yoongi!" was the collective cry that rose in the room, and a swarm of young, tired boys swarmed the mummy-like figure laying on the bed.

Not one of them paid any attention to you, or Taehyung upon entering. 

There were tears, there were relieved smiles, there were concerned faces.

Yoongi was safe, but, they weren't prepared to see him... so helpless. So... weak.

They had never seen him weak. Yoongi was always a steadfast rock for you and Bangtan, so you understood why it was so hard to see him this way. 

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?!"

"I'm so glad you're safe!"


"You were worrying us!"

You let them have a few more seconds, but seeing as Yoongi was overwhelmed by the sudden barrage of questions, you stepped in. 

Afterall, you were about to answer all of them anyway.

You walked over to the other side of the bed, placing your hand gently on Yoongi's shoulder. 

All of a sudden, the attention was on you again.

It took all of your courage for you to look at them.

And your eyes landed straight on Jin's. They were cold, hard, piercing into your soul. 

It were almost as if you weren't looking at Jin, but at a stranger. 

You gulped. 

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jimin go to speak and you held your hand up. "I- I think you should all take a seat. I have a feeling we may be here for a while... I have a lot to explain."

"Yes... I should think it's about time for you explain, Y/N. I think we, if anyone, finally deserve to know what you've been hiding from us," Jin said coldly. His  tone bordered on rough, and you internally winced. The guilt began to eat you up  from the inside once more. 

"Hyung," Yoongi snapped. "Listen to her, for goodness sake! Don't be so quick to judge her-"

"You're half-dead, Yoongi! And, I have a feeling that she's the cause of it!" Jin retorted, red heat scoring up his head. 

The boys who had taken out chairs to sit now paused, eyes wide, shocked at Jin's accusation.

"Hyung! How could you..." Hoseok breathed, bewildered.

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