Chapter 47: A Cup Of Tea

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Closing the door behind you, you placed your bag on the kitchen bench as you walked in. 

Taehyung was sitting on one of the barstools, a cup of tea in his hand.

He must have come straight from school.

Sighing, you approached him from behind, sliding your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his back, mumbling a hello.

Just his warmth alone was enough to calm you.

Because it was a reminder that at the end of the day, no matter what happens, someone will always be there for you. Taehyung.

He hummed, resting in that position for a few more moments.

Eventually, he turned. You released him, standing up.

"So... is hyung okay? What was all that about?"

You sighed, face falling instantly. "Well... he's really stressed out at the moment... when I found him, he was already in his car. We drove straight to Yoongi oppa's house, but Yoongi wasn't there."

Taehyung frowned. "But... couldn't he just be out somewhere?"

You shook your head. "No, Jin is sure Yoongi would have contacted him if he was going somewhere, but he hasn't talked to him since Saturday."

Apparently your explanation wasn't making much sense to Taehyung.
So, you elaborated.

"You know how Jin and Yoongi are really close, and always together? You know how there has been many instances at school where Jin seems to know something about Yoongi's whereabouts, but he always just brushes it off and never actually tells anybody about it??"

Taehyung slowly nodded, recalling those times now that you had mentioned them. "Yeah..."

"Jin always seems to know where Yoongi is, but now he doesn't. And that's the most freaked out I've ever seen him. So something about Yoongi being absent is very wrong."

You weren't going to tell Taehyung exactly why you knew it was very, very bad. And the fact that you knew where he was, and was about to go find him. You just wanted him to understand the real urgency of the matter, so he wouldn't be as worried or suspicious when you went to look for him.

"Well, I hope he's okay. Hopefully he comes to school tomorrow and everything's fine. I don't like seeing hyung stressed," he said, turning around again to look at his phone.

You could tell Taehyung still didn't think it was that big of a deal, but at the same time he had enough trust in you and Jin that he didn't invalidate your reactions.

Moving away from him, you headed towards your room.

Once in your room, you took your phone from your back pocket and dialed Lisa.

On the second ring she picked up. You didn't even let her speak.

"Have those boys got that information yet?"

"I- oh, Jay and Minsung, you mean?"

"No, I mean Bob and Jeff- YES, for crying out loud!"

"Oh, yeah, sorry boss. I will get them in your office right away. Are you coming to the warehouse?"

"I'll be there in 20."

You hung up, throwing your phone onto the bed.

You entered your wardrobe, throwing on black cargo pants and a cropped black tee. You went to put on your leather jacket, then paused.

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