Chapter 29: It'll Hurt

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Just then, a familiar car pulled up beside the road.

The tinted windows began to slide downwards, revealing Jin sitting with a sullen face in the driver's seat.

He evidently wasn't expecting you to be waiting with Yoongi.

He looked in silence from you to Yoongi, and you both gave him a small smile.

You spoke.

"Hi, oppa... uh, great timing, I've gotta go but I didn't wanna leave him here by himself."

He looked at you, nodding slightly.

An awkward silence fell heavily on the air around you, and you met eyes with Yoongi.

You gave him a little smile, reassuring him quietly you wouldn't tell anyone.

Eventually, you turned back to include Jin in your farewell, and said shortly, "Well, I'll see you guys later, I guess. Be safe."

And without waiting for their reply, you gathered you things and walked away.

You knew Taehyung would be wondering where the heck you had disappeared to.

You hastened into a fast walk, glancing at your watch quickly while trying to avoid hitting anyone on the sidewalk.


You'd been gone for nearly 20 minutes. 


You were nearly running by the time you reached the car, where an angry and frustrated Taehyung was waiting.

His arms were crossed as he leant on the car.

You gave him a nervous smile, waiting for him to speak.

"What in living daylights could have taken you so long?!"

You sighed.

"I... I ran into Yoongi, so- uh, yeah, sorry about that."

He raised his eyebrow.

You held his eyes.

Well, technically you weren't lying.

You just weren't telling the whole truth.

Breaking the silence that was lingering around you, you clapped your hands, rubbing them together while you bit your lip.

"Alrighty, now, let's not waste anymore time just standing around, let's go!"

He looked at you for a moment more, before sighing and joining you on the path.

A gentle breeze blew through your hair, fluttering around the fabric of your shirt, making it dance in the quickly fading light.

It was as if the breeze blew any conflict between the two of you to a faraway land.

Silence once again sat between you, comfortable and welcoming. 

The atmosphere had been set for a peaceful afternoon, so you spoke softly.

"Look, Tae, we're not too late for the sunset."

You pointed at the soft orange glow which was dipping below the buildings of Seoul.

He hummed, saying, "Don't you think it's setting a little late today?"

You smiled. "Maybe it was waiting for us."

Soon, you felt his long but soft fingers slide into yours. He soon had a firm grip on your hand as he walked, as if he didn't want to let go.

You looked down at your intertwined hands, swinging slightly with the breeze as you walked.

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