Chapter 53: Lots of Love, OSH

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The next morning, you snuck out your window to meet Jisoo.

And when you pulled up to the all-familiar gates of the warehouse once more, for some unknown reason, your heart was pounding abnormally.

You were so nervous about what Jisoo had to say that you almost couldn't sit still. You knew that whatever she was able to gather for you would be the "Yes or No" to finding Yoongi.

Today, at least.

But if it was a "No".... you didn't have a clue on how to find him.

Because, again, you had. Nothing. On. OSH.

These files really are causing a lot of damn problems.

Sighing, you finally calmed your breathing, which had rapidly increased without your knowledge. Today really mattered.

And you were petrified.


Jisoo sat across from you in her office, and slid your phone over the smooth, wooden surface of your desk.

You took it wordlessly, sliding it back into your pocket.

Then you waited for her to speak.

"I have good news, Blackrose. "

Your heart jumped into your throat, and you unconsciously leant forward in anticipation.

"You got a location?" You breathed, eyes widening.

Jisoo smiled widely, nodding.

You slapped your hands on the desk in joy, leaning back in your chair in satisfaction.

"Well, we'll go there immediately," you decided.

Jisoo peered at you strangely. "Without anyone else? Just us?"

You thought for a moment. She had a point, but you didn't want to waste anymore time after yesterday's ordeals. "Let's at least check it out. We'll have backup a call away, though. I don't want to wake everyone if.... it's a false call again."

You gulped at the thought, but immediately you tried to shake it off and stay optimistic.

She nodded slowly, as if not understanding the reasoning behind such a request.

You shrugged her antics off, convincing yourself she just didn't recognise the urgency of the situation. You abruptly stood up. "Alright then, let's go. Notify the men they're on standby, then meet me in the weapons room." She raised an eyebrow. "Just in case...?" you replied, a pleading smile on your face.

Because while you were the boss, you still felt as if you needed Jisoo's approval for some things.

Sighing, she just nodded, pulling out her phone and exiting the room.

You bit your lip, contemplating whether or not you made the right decision.

You didn't like Jisoo's reaction very much.

Not very much at all.

You didn't want her to think you were acting irrationally.

Maybe you were impatient.

But you weren't acting irrationally.

In fact, you were being perfectly rational.

The longer Yoongi is gone, the less likely it is that he's safe.

Therefore, the sooner you found him, the better.

After moment's more thought, you left your office, confidence in your stride.

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