Chapter 22: Pizza...?

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"PIZZA'S HERE!!" Jimin called, cutting through the screams and shouting echoing throughout the house.

Time stopped.

You were hovering above Taehyung, his collar clenched tight in your fists while his hands were tangled roughly in your hair as he had tried to rip it out.

You were previously engaged in tearing him into pieces because he had unveiled one of your deepest, darkest secrets.

Your twin, the one whom your trusted more than yourself, had shared something so personal to you that you were currently trying to rip his thorax out.

Not seriously, of course. Just.....

You couldn't believe he'd betrayed you like this.

You know he was mad at you, but you didn't think he'd stoop this low.

Taehyung had opened the dam walls and your dignity had come rushing out.

And the boys?

They'd laughed.

How dare they.

But what had he shared that was so utterly humiliating for you and signified the ultimate betrayal?




He had told them about your imaginary boyfriend.

Yes, that may be a stupid reason to strangle him, but what can you say?

You were childish and petty, and proud of it.

And yes... you used to have an imaginary boyfriend. 

When you were 6.

But Taehyung hadn't stopped there.

He'd gone on to tell them (while you were standing in front of him and desperately trying to cover his mouth with your hands as Jungkook and Namjoon - Namjoon, who doesn't usually engage in these childish activities - wrenched you away from him, wanting to hear the rest) about all the things you did with you imaginary boyfriend.

You did a lot of things with your imaginary boyfriend.

And of course the boys had wanted to hear every detail. It wasn't often you were embarrassed like this in front of them.

And, as the best friends they were, they wouldn't miss that opportunity in a lifetime.

So, they found out that you used to hug your pillow at night, talking to your "imaginary boyfriend" out loud as if he was really there. 

They now knew how you walked through parks when you were little, talking to the air, laughing unprovoked, completely consumed in your non-existent conversation with your "imaginary boyfriend".

They knew how you used to cry at night if Aunty told you your "imaginary boyfriend" wasn't allowed to sleep with you because you were sick.

They knew that your ex-"imaginary boyfriend"'s name was.... Park Hyung Sik.


That's how bad it was.

Oh, and just before you forget.... yeah, you were 6.

Therefore, you believed you had every right at the moment to strangle him to death.

He was lucky that the pizza arrived. 

That pizza was his saving grace....

Everyone had collectively jumped up from their positions, "PIZZA!!" erupting from the throats of famished warriors like a war-cry.

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