Chapter 57: Blotchy Red

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"Do you know that ST-"

"JIMIN!" Namjoon cut him off, gritting his teeth and giving him a death glare.

Jimin stopped talking, sheepishly grinning at his hyung. 

"Shut. Up.... will you?" Namjoon spat, glancing at Jungkook, hoping he hadn't caught on to what Jimin was about to say.

The kid looked clueless.

You sighed, the ghost of a smile crossing your face. "Anyway.... what do you guys wanna do now? Lunch was delicious, thanks Jin oppa."

You gave him a warm smile, hoping he would reciprocate it. He just glanced at you, and gave you the 'smile' you give someone you recognise when you walk past them on the street with no intention of talking to them.

To say the least, he didn't reciprocate your smile. 

Taehyung clapped his hands together and rubbed them, oblivious to the tension between you and Jin. "How about let's play a game or something."

You gave him the "Are you serious" look, then sighed. "Yeah, and what game do you wanna play?"

Jungkook jumped in. "I have a game. It's... fun."

"Okay, cool. How do you play?" Namjoon asked, sitting forward on his legs, giving his full and undivided attention to Jungkook.

But Jungkook just smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You sure you wanna play?"

You rolled your eyes at him. "Yes, Kook. It can't be that bad, can it?"

He nodded. "Alright... don't say I didn't warn you."

The rules were simple. There were four actions you could do: palms pressed together (pointing forward), clasped hands, palms up, palms down. A, B, C, and D. 

Whoever was "in" (in this case Jungkook) would decide an action on the count of three, and do said action. Everyone else playing did their action at the same time, and then, if they matched with the person in, they would receive punishment. 

In this case, punishment was a hard slap on the back of the hand from whoever was in.

After hearing the rules, you rubbed your hands together, grinning manically. 

"Alright then, sounds fun. Hey, and don't go easy on me just because I'm a girl," you said, eyeing them all very seriously. You didn't like them thinking you were some 'princess' that needed protecting. You always tried to show them, where you could, that you were just as tough as they were. Probably tougher, in fact. 

Taehyung scoffed. "Bold of you to assume we would go easy on you."

Rolling your eyes, you leant forward on your knees, moving yourself to a more comfortable position to play competitively.

"Everyone got it?" Jungkook asked. Not that he really waited for a reply before saying, "Cool, let's start then."

After a moment of the boys organising themselves, Jungkook put his hands out in front of him, palms pressed together as if he were about to play "apple on a stick." The rest of you followed suit, and then, it began. 

"One, two, three, D!" 

Simultaneously, everyone in the circle did their action. Namjoon and Hoseok did B, you did A, Taehyung did C, and Jin and Jimin did... D.

Grinning evilly, Jungkook quickly grabbed Jimin's hand, as he was, unfortunately for Jimin, sitting beside him. 

Jimin tried to snatch his hand away, saying, "Wait- I didn't-"

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