Chapter 71

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Back at Inazuma at The Matsumoto household

Sayuri was lying on her futon as she had not been feeling well. Suzu has been checking on her now and then, bringing her some tea and soup. "Are you sure you don't want to see the doctor?" she asked her for the third time today.

"No, I'm fine it's just I can't right now" Sayuri answered. "My lady what do you mean" her personal maid asked. Sayuri sits up and pulls back the futon blanket. "Suzu please don't tell anyone what I'm about to show you."

 She said as she opened her yakata as she revealed her stomach there was a bump. Suzu looks at her stomach in shock and surprise.

"My lady you are with child," she said to her in shock. Sayuri smiles at her maid. "Yes I am, but this was not supposed to happen, Hiro and I are not even married yet. I have to tell him, he has a right to know" she said to Suzu.

 "My lady I will support you in whatever you decide, but if you need someone to talk to or help you with this I'm here for you," she said with a reassuring smile.

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